(from June 15 1998) MVD Service Runs Lengths in millimeters South East Motherboard 1. Signal Conduit 2600 2. Conduit End to Motherboard 1000 3. Conduit Rack End to Interface 2000 4. Signal Cable Length (1+2+3) 5600 5. HV Conduit 2650 6. Conduit End to Motherboard 1000 7. Conduit Rack End to Interface 2000 8. HV Cable Length (5+6+7) 5650 MCM Plenum Return (2" hose) 1430 Enclosure Return (2" hose) 1550 Common Return (3" hose) 3960 South West Motherboard 1. Signal Conduit 3490 2. Conduit End to Motherboard 1000 3. Conduit Rack End to Interface 2000 4. Signal Cable Length (1+2+3) 6490 5. HV Conduit 3520 6. Conduit End to Motherboard 1000 7. Conduit Rack End to Interface 2000 8. HV Cable Length (5+6+7) 6520 MCM Plenum Return (2" hose) 1890 Enclosure Return (2" hose) 2050 Common Return (3" hose) 4220 North East Motherboard 1. Signal Conduit 2600 2. Conduit End to Motherboard 1000 3. Conduit Rack End to Interface 2000 4. Signal Cable Length (1+2+3) 5600 5. HV Conduit 2650 6. Conduit End to Motherboard 1000 7. Conduit Rack End to Interface 2000 8. HV Cable Length (5+6+7) 5650 MCM Plenum Supply (2" hose) 3870 Enclosure Supply (2" hose) 3880 North West Motherboard 1. Signal Conduit 3490 2. Conduit End to Motherboard 1000 3. Conduit Rack End to Interface 2000 4. Signal Cable Length (1+2+3) 6490 5. HV Conduit 3520 6. Conduit End to Motherboard 1000 7. Conduit Rack End to Interface 2000 8. HV Cable Length (5+6+7) 6520 MCM Plenum Supply (2" hose) 4970 Enclosure Supply (2" hose) 5115 -- Jan Boissevain Phone: (505)667-6057 P-25, M.S. H846 Email: boissevain@lanl.gov or Los Alamos National Laboratory jan@p2hp7.lanl.gov Los Alamos, NM 87545 FAX: (505)665-7920 -- Jan Boissevain Phone: (505)667-6057 P-25, M.S. H846 Email: boissevain@lanl.gov or Los Alamos National Laboratory jan@p2hp7.lanl.gov Los Alamos, NM 87545 FAX: (505)665-7920