Also affiliated with the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

The approximate forms for the structure functions of DIS used here are, 42#42 and 43#43.

The increase may be 89#89 depending on the extrapolation used[26].

We do not speculate on the efficacy of isolation cuts since PHENIX does not resemble any of the operational collider detectors. Extensive simulations are required to deal with this issue in a realistic way.

The +y (153#153) solutions (Fig. 8) correspond to valence quark ratios at 154#154 which are better measured in DIS experiments.

See, for example, the discussion by Jaffe and Manohar[3].

Heavy quark production is known to be dominated by gluon fusion in the RHIC energy range. Contributions from 185#185 fusion compete with gluon fusion at very large 186#186 but are generally a small part of the total cross section. Production of the 187#187 via b-quark decay may be appreciable at 188#188.

Next-to-leading order corrections to the equations used in this section have not been evaluated. There is, of course, the possibility that these corrections could substantially modify the polarization relations.

Upsilon physics at low 211#211 is only feasible with a 2-end cap muon detector, as is evident from Fig. 3.

This is only an approximation since the muon energies increase with 313#313, and higher energy muons are generally detected with somewhat higher efficiency.

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