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In an attempt to model beam gas events as they realistically occur, we have turned to a paper, entitled "Gold target fragmentation by 800 GeV protons" (L. Sihver, et. al., Nuclear Physics A543, 1992). This paper contains the data we need for spallation products of a gold target that is bombarded by protons. It includes cross sections of the spallation products, momentum information, and angular distributions. Although the data is for 800 GeV protons specifically, it is nevertheless appropriate because of ``Limiting Fragmentation.'' At a certain energy (around 10 GeV), the spallation cross sections become independent of projectile energy. It is therefore irrelevant whether the protons have energy of 800 GeV or whether they have the energy of our beam gas as measured in the rest frame of the gold nucleus. Using the data, we can generate a spallation product together with a four-momentum. We must then do a Lorentz boost into the lab frame (the rest frame of the beam gas in which the gold nucleus is moving). The following pages show what the generated values are.

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Tue Nov 21 15:41:29 MST 1995