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Design Criteria for Muon Tracking Electronics

Design Criteria for the Muon Tracker Electronics

D. M. Lee and W. Sondheim
Los Alamos National Laboratory
(PHENIX-Muon-95-17); submitted: September 14, 1995

Subject: Summary of Decisions from 9/5/95 FEE Meeting at ORNL

A meeting was held at ORNL to discuss the front end electronics for the Muon Tracker. The attendees were Ken Read, Ed Kennedy, John Halliwell, Alan Wintenberg, Hee Kim, Glenn Young, Dave Lee, and Walt Sondheim. The purpose was to review the Muon tracker electronics needs and attempt to arrive at a set of criteria so that the design work can begin. The following is a summary of the results of that meeting.

Front end Amplifier - High resolution cathode

A shaping amplifier will be implemented with a integration time of 500 ns and a decay time of less than 10 us. The choice of shaping method will be left to the designer, Ed Kennedy. The following characteristics will be incorpoated into the design,

Post Amplifier - High Resolution Cathode

The electronics implementation after the front end amplifier up to but not including the DCM has the following criteria,

Coarse Cathode

The coarse cathode requires a latched output with the following criteria,


The anode requirements are the same as the coarse cathode with the following exceptions,


General specifications are,

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