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Alignment Monitoring

The alignment of the tracking stations in the muon arms will need to be monitored on a regular basis so that the 25 m survey tolerances in the x-y plane can be met. This will be done with as many as 112 straightness monitors which will be attached to the tracking chambers. The position of a given straightness monitor should be measured several times to reduce any error caused by air currents or other random errors in the detection and readout chain. It is expected that a set of alignment data for the entire system can be collected in approximately 15 minutes. The data can be taken at the same time as the physics data or it can be taken with calibration data since it does not affect the chamber performance. However, since the frequency of alignment measurements required will depend on the stability of the muon system which will not really be known until the detector is fully assembled and taking data, we would like to have the option of monitoring the alignment on a daily basis.

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Fri Aug 25 17:58:27 MDT 1995