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Four different cases will be discussed in terms of discriminant analysis comparing single muons with single pions of known momentum. All four cases use the same pad segmentation: = 1 and = 2.813, 2.813, 5.625, 5.625, 5.625, 5.625. In addition, all four cases use the same discriminant variables: 1, 2, 5, and 9. These numbers represent the following variables:

1: Last Plane Hit

2: Total Hits

5: Rho Max

9: Front to Back Ratio.

We use PISA/PISORP and the muon arm group's MUN code developed at GSU, ORNL, and VU for these studies. The cases differ in their 'per plane efficiencies.'

Case #1 has a "per plane efficiency'' of 98% on each of the 6 planes.

Case #2 has a "per plane efficiency'' of 98% on the first 3 planes and 90% on the last 3 planes.

Case #3 has a "per plane efficiency'' of 98% on the first plane and 90% on the last 5 planes.

Finally, one more issue is addressed. This issue is that of the importance of the last plane. For this purpose, Case #4 is to be compared to Case #2.

Case #4 has a "per plane efficiency'' of 98% on the first 3 planes, 90% on the next 2 planes, and only 1% on the last plane.

Wayne Kinnison
Fri May 19 22:23:02 MDT 1995