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Global Alignment Requirements

As stated previously, the only global alignment requirement of the muon identification system is an alignment relative to the interaction point. The multiple scattering in the absorber material in front of the muon tracking stations limits the angular resolution of a 10 GeV/c track at the vertex to approximately 3 mRad or more. If this error is projected from the first tracking station to the muon-ID, the position resolution is approximately (5.4 meters)* 3x10 = 1.6 cm. An additional 1-2 mm of error occurs at each of the absorber layers in the muon-ID detector. Therefore, the muon-ID planes must not need to be aligned to the vertex to better than approximately +/- 4 mm in the x and y directions in order to have alignment errors be negligible compared to multiple scattering errors. The necessary alignment of the muon ID planes to the vertex in z is outside the physical bounds of the space for the muon identifier. Therefore, it is only required that the z positions be measured after they are put in place, and this measurement only has to known to within a few centimeters relative to the vertex.

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Thu Aug 24 17:53:05 MDT 1995