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The muon subsystem alignment requirements, as determined by simulations, hand calculations, or best estimates will be given separately for the muon tracking system and the muon identification system. The alignment requirements for the separate subsystems will be determined by requiring that the error a misalignment produces is much less than other contributing errors such as detector resolutions and multiple scattering limits. As a rule of thumb, we will try to make the misalignments allowed smaller by a factor of 4 than a misalignment which would produce a noticeable change in a measurement.

The internal alignment requirements for the muon tracking system are rather stringent since a momentum resolution inside the tracking volume of less then 2% is required to obtain a good mass resolution of the upsilon vector meson. In addition to the internal alignment requirements, the mass resolution requirements dictate alignment requirements of the muon tracking system relative to the MVD (or interaction point), the magnetic field, and the between the two muon tracking arms. In addition, there may be some requirement for alignment of the tracking stations relative to the central arm if muon identification systems are added to the central arm.

The muon identification system has much less stringent alignment requirements since the typical pointing resolution of the system is measured in centimeters and the muon ID's main function is to work with the muon tracking system, and not other subsystems. However, since the muon identification system is used in the trigger by finding roads which point back to the vertex, there must be some relative alignment of the measurement pads with the interaction point.

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Thu Aug 24 17:53:05 MDT 1995