VTC Muon Arm Meeting

PHENIX Muon Arm Meeting

Video Teleconference

April 29, 1998


The main purpose of the meeting will be to present status updates for all components of the Muon Arms and provide information to the Muon Arms Team about what will be presented to the upcoming Muon Arms MiniTAC Review on May 7, 1998.

Connections to Meeting

The following institutions will be able to connect to the meeting via video hookup:

If you are at or near one of those institutions, contact someone from PHENIX there and you should be able to attend the meeting.

There will also be audio only capability. To dial in for audio only, call (516)344-8261.

The meeting will start promptly at 7:00 pm EDT. (There is a 30-minute time booked in advance of that to allow everyone time to get connected before 7:00 pm.)


The agenda is as follows (links point to the viewgraphs for the speaker):

Welcome and Summary of Cost and Schedule W. Kinnison
Muon Tracking Mechanics D. Lee
Muon Tracking FEE T. Carey
PHENIX Muon Identifier Mechanics K. Read
Muon Identifier FEE V. Cianciolo
Simulations and Performance M. Brooks
Japanese Factory Status and Schedule Hiroki Sato
Issues and Concerns All

Because of the fact that the meeting is a VTC meeting, each speaker will be pretty ruthlessly held to 30 minutes or less. All speakers have been asked to allow for about 10 minutes of question and answer during their presentation. The intent of the last section is to allow more extensive discussion that what may have been allowed during the presentations. Also, anyone can feel free to bring up any subject for discussion during that last section of the meeting. A summary of the decisions and discussions will be posted soon after the meeting.

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Last updated: Tue. April 29, 1998 13:05