D.M.LeePresent the conceptual design and the issues that
contributed to the design. Outline the results of the local engineering design
review and the changes that resulted. Discuss present and future planes.
Present the initial start for the conceptual design for station 3. Define
differences in approach from station 2. Discuss future plans.
D.M.LeeDiscuss the present schedule of activities for the
station 2 prototype. Outline problem areas and expected dates for the beginning
of testing. Present calibration data for the leadscrews and discuss how we
expect to use the data.
R. Martin or D.M.LeeDiscuss the recommended mounting scheme
for station 2. Include finite element analysis and frequency analysis.
Outline changes to the chamber design to allow for the octants to fit into the
magnet and the requirements that are incorporated for the alignment
D.M.LeeA set of specifications for the front end electronics
will be discussed.
M. BrooksA summary of the simulations that were used to
determine the muon tracking alignment requirements will be presented along with
the final requirements that have been given to the alignment task force. In
addition, the present status of the alignment hardware that is used in the
foil etching will be given, and the status of the straightness monitor test
stand will be presented. Preliminary results on the analysis of a sample
etching should be available as well as some preliminary results from a
straightness monitor stand that has begun to collect data.
Takashi Ichihara or Naohito SaitoThe recent activities toward
the decision of the fabrication of south muon magnet will be presented. The
constraint of the total RIKEN budget (phase I) and fabrication techniques will
be discussed.
Naohito SaitoThe trigger efficiency and background rates have
been studied. The comparison between PAD readout configuration and simple
HODOSCOPE readout will be made.
F. PlasilGiven that the final decision may very possibly be
made in favor of a x-y hodoscopic wire readout (replacing the planned pad
readout), a possible mechanical layout will be presented. The goal is to cover
the entire active area with both vertical and horizontal LST's. In addition,
for purposes of efficiency and readout speed, staggered LST's will be used.
Thus, in each gap of the mu-ID steel, coverage will be provided mostly by four
layers of LST's except in panel overlap regions, where as many as eight layers
may be present. There will be three different panel sizes and four different
LST lengths. Assembly issues will be addressed.
F. PlasilA target goal of 70% of market price of LST's has
been set in order for CIAE to remain under consideration as a possible supplier
of the required LST's. CIAE has agreed to meet this goal. However, there are
still "risk" factors invovlved. ORNL has agreed to help CIAE to get started in
prototype construction, and to monitor development and manufacturing
capabilities in China. A visit is planned for late August. A status report on
the CIAE connection will be presented.
K. ReadThe current status of muID simulation studies will be
presented. Both offline and LVL-1 trigger performance will be discussed.
Realistic panel dimensions, hodoscopic ambiguities, and a variety of LVL-1
algorithms are included. The tentative conclusions are that x-y hodoscopic
readout with groups of eight wires ganged together is satisfactory for
performance, J/psi detection, and UA1 background event rejection.
However, the beam gas events simulated by LSU present phenomenal
multiplicities, especially when hodoscopic ambiguities are allowed. The
generator model is currently in question. A rather efficient (for J/psi) LVL-1
trigger scheme which can reject most of even such beam gas events with
hodoscopic ambiguities turned off is presented. This would necessitate reading
out both ends of the wire using TDCs to improve the lateral position resolution
to perhaps 50 cm along a 5 m LST. But as mentioned, revised beam gas models
may present are far more tractable problem.
H. KimLongevity issues leads one to consider running the LSTs
in proportional (not avalanche) mode. Drift time intervals per tube on the
order of 65 ns are obtained. Note that there is a 20 ns interval due to the 5
m length of the LST if only one end is read out. By doubling and staggering
the tubes, timing of the order of 65/2 + 20 = 52 nsec can be expected. In
order to achieve such fast timing, CF4 gas (mixed with some hydrocarbon) will
be required. Other issues involving the gas (gain, dynamic range of pulses)
will be discussed.
A high voltage capacitor is needed for readout of LST wires. A simple
schematic will be presented showing exactly how the resistors and the
capacitor are arranged for wire readout. (One capacitor for every 8 wires.)
This scheme also works for reading out both ends.
G. YoungOverview of PHENIX requirements for FEE and the LVL-1
trigger will be presented. (Some comments may be made concerning calibrations
if time permits.)
K. ReadProposed readout schemes for muID and muTR will be
described. An update on work done since the last muon arm meeting will be
given. A discussion will be led on how to proceed.
J. BowersTalk about the MMS structures, analysis/stability
requirements, basic mechanical design concept and transport studies.