Abstract of Talk to be Presented at
University of Kyoto PHENIX Muon Arm Meeting

Planning For the Muon Arm Review

W. Wayne Kinnison

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM 87545

(Submitted: November 7, 1995)

Our Muon Arms Construction Readiness Review is now planned for January 19 and 20. I will present what we currently know about the review and we must discuss our planning for it. As part of our preparations, we are preparing a document describing the Muon Arms as they are currently being designed. We should have some more discussion about that as well as a discussion about who should prepare to speak at the review and what they should prepare to speak about.

Abstract Number: uk95a-22

Requested Presentation Time: 30


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Abstract template last revised: October 29, 1995