Abstract of Talk to be Presented at
University of Kyoto PHENIX Muon Arm Meeting

Muon Tracking Station 1: Status and Plans

D.E. Fields
B. Bassalleck, D. Clark, D.M. Lee, J. Lowe, W.E. Sondheim


(Submitted: October 31, 1995)

The design of the Station 1 prototype is completed and the drawings are sent out for machining. Assembly of the prototype should begin in January and be completed by March. Testing of the station will take place at UNM and results should be available in June. This aggresive schedule should allow sufficient time to use the test results to review the station 3 design before construction begins.

Abstract Number: uk95a-10

Requested Presentation Time: 20

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Abstract template last revised: October 29, 1995