
Meeting Goals

Major status report for the total muon arm project

Normally, we should spend more time on planning issues at these meetings than status, but in this case, a significant fraction of the attendees have not been in as close a contact on the details of what is going on as the rest of us. Therefore, there should be a significant review of each sub-system which should include what's been happening as well as where we are going. In this regard we should consider "sub-system" to mean muon ID mechanics, muon ID electronics, muon tracking mechanics, muon tracking electronics, triggering studies (simulations), performance studies, and physics goals.

Review our preparations and planning for the upcoming muon arm review.

Wayne Kinnison will send a second message on this subject alone, but for now we need to be aware that the review looks like it will be possibly Jan. 19-20 which is the week after the collaboration meeting at BNL. We should go over our plans for the review, and be sure we are on track.

Last updated: 10/26/95
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Los Alamos National Laboratory