Kyoto Abstracts Listing

Abstracts of Talks to be Presented at

University of Kyoto PHENIX Muon Arm Meeting

Kyoto, Japan

November 17-18, 1995

uk95a-10Muon Tracking Station 1: Status and PlansD.E. Fields
uk95a-11Alignment Requirements, Alignment Monitoring, and Assembly Tolerances of the Muon Tracking SystemMelynda Brooks
uk95a-12Station 2 Prototype StatusDavid M. Lee
uk95a-13Station 2 Structural Support and applications to Station 1&3David M. Lee
uk95a-14Muon Tracker electronics design requirementsDavid M. Lee or Ken Read
uk95a-15Muon ID ConstructionKen Read
uk95a-16Review of Muon ID R&DFelix Obenshain
uk95a-17Muon ID R&D PlansKen Read
uk95a-18Muon Arm FEE StatusKen Read
uk95a-19LVL-1 Trigger Simulation StudiesKen Read
uk95a-20Beam Gas Simulations UpdatePaul Kirk
uk95a-21Space Requests for BNL ConstructionW. Wayne Kinnison
uk95a-22Planning For the Muon Arm ReviewW. Wayne Kinnison
uk95a-23R&D Schedules for FY'96W. Wayne Kinnison
uk95a-24Opening RemarksW. Wayne Kinnison

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Last Updated: Tuesday, February 25, 1997 14:08:38