Abstract of Talk to be Presented at
Costa Mesa PHENIX Muon Arm Meeting

Strawman Layout for Muon Tracker FEE

Tom Carey

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM 87545

(Submitted: February 25, 1997)

This talk will use a strawman proposal for laying out MuTr FEE to describe major integration issues confronting this system and the implications of possible solutions for MuTr detector geometry and Muon Arm mechanics. Connection schemes vs failure topologies and implied numbers of chassis/FEMs/DCMs/etc. will be explored. A strategy and tools for modeling, simulation, design, and integration, from the component through the entire system level, will be presented. Open issues and plans for attacking further system development will be summarized.

Abstract Number: ucr97a-18

Requested Presentation Time: 45

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