Abstract of Talk to be Presented at
Costa Mesa PHENIX Muon Arm Meeting

Introduction to Muon Tracker FEE

Tom Carey

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM 87545

(Submitted: February 25, 1997)

This presentation will provide an introduction to a series of talks (cf abstracts ucr97a-11,17,18) concerning the new Muon Tracker Front End Electronics design effort. Major requirements for and constraints on MuTr FEE will be overviewed, the team we've assembled to attack these problems will be introduced, and their recent activities towards developing a conceptual design for MuTr FEE will be summarized. Connections to EMCal and Pad Chambers FEE designs will be used to lead into more detailed talks on individual MuTr FEE subsystems.

Abstract Number: ucr97a-16

Requested Presentation Time: 45

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