Costa Mesa Muon Arms Collaboration Meeting

February 28 - March 2, 1997

General Meeting Information

Preparations For the Meeting

So that we can get the agenda out as soon as possible, I need to know who wants to talk. Please, submit an abstract as soon as possible. I, of course, will also be contacting specific individuals in the next couple of days.

In order to make real progress during the meeting, it is important that we come to the meeting with specific straw man proposals for the answers to the questions that must be addressed at the meeting.


It will not be possible to have a paper proceedings of the workshop. Therefore, participants are strongly encouraged to do the following:

After the meeting, the abstracts and electronic versions of the talks will be linked together for an online version of the proceedings.

Accomodations and Fees

The Muon Arms Meeting will be held in the same hotel as the PHENIX Collaboration Meeting which begins the next day after our meeting. You must register for the hotel by calling them directly. For Further information on the hotel, see the information on the Costa Mesa PHENIX Collaboration Meeting.

The hotel will supply the meeting rooms, but there is a catch. It is required that lunchs and coffee breaks be purchased from the hotel. Therefore, a registration fee of $21 per person to cover the coffee breaks will be collected from all participants. A receipt will be provided. Lunches will be poolside and will cost $15.25 (tax and tips included) per person. Breakfeast is "free" with your room.

Author: W. Wayne Kinnison, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA Email: <>
Last Updated: Sun, Feb 23, 1997 13:34 MST