Costa Mesa Muon Arms Collaboration Meeting

February 28 - March 2, 1997


Agenda Overview

Once the agenda is developed, you will find it here. In the mean-time, a sumamry of the agenda and list of major topics is given.

Friday, 28 Feb.: Muon Tracking
Status Reports planning exercises.
Saturday, 1 March: Muon Identification
Status Reports and planning exercises
Sunday, 2 March: Muon Arms Electronics and Simulations
Development of Conceptual Design for Muon Tracking FEE
Status of Simulations

Muon Tracking Session - Friday, February 28

In the Muon Tracking session, we will make decisions on the following items:

Additionally, we will spend some time during the workshop on the following issues:

Muon Identification Session - Saturday, March 1, 1997

A number of outstanding issues in the Muon Identification Mechanics must be settled before we can proceed to construction. These issues have been addressed by R&D studies in Kyoto and/or Oak Ridge. The results of those studies will be presented and we will make decisions on these issues. Items on that list will include the following:

Additionally, time will be spend on the following items:

Muon Arms Electronics and Simulations - Sunday, March 2, 1997

A newly formed team has begun to work on the conceptual design of the Muon Tracking FEE. The current status of that design will be presented and input requested from the rest of the Muon Arms team. Some specific issues will include:

The status of the simulations of both Muon Tracking and Muon Identification and triggering will be presented.

Author: W. Wayne Kinnison, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA Email: <>
Last Updated: Sun, Feb 23, 1997 13:06 MST