Abstract of Talk to be Presented at
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Muon Arm Meeting

Budgets and Schedules for the Muon System

W. Wayne Kinnison

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM 87545

(Submitted: October 3, 1995)

During the last couple of months many budget/schedule exercises have been conducted. They have been carried out in order to try to meet the funding profile constraints of both the AEE and RIKEN funds. The latest (and hopefully the last for a little while, at least) iteration for both the Muon Tracking and Muon Identification will be presented.

This talk will be an introduction to more detailed talks about the upcoming year's R&D plans for both tracking and identification.

Abstract Number: ornl95b-22

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Abstract template last revised: September 9, 1995