Abstract of Talk to be Presented at
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Muon Arm Meeting

The Use of Styles in Word and LaTex for WWW Publishing

Christine Jarmer
W.W. Kinnison

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM 87545

(Submitted: October 2, 1995)

The speed at which documents can be published on the WWW will be greatly enhanced through the use of styles. Two programs specifically, rtftohtml and the LaTeX2HTML Translator, each use styles to translate documents into HTML, the language of the WWW.

The goal of this presentation is to provide those wishing to publish on the WWW with information on HTML and a Style Manual which provides instructions on how to create a document in Microsoft Word or LaTex using styles.

Abstract Number: ornl95b-16

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Abstract template last revised: September 9, 1995