Abstract Submission Form

Use this form to submit, modify or delete an abstract for a talk to be presented at the meeting. If multiple institutions are given, please click to see the special formating instructions which should be used in that case.

Be sure to include all requested information.

Please, go to the Help Page for information about this form, including some words about the password which is requested here, special instructions for multiple institution abstracts, how to include Greek and other special characters, where and how to send comments, suggestions, and flames about this form, and more details than you can shake a stick at or ever want to know.

In all cases:

Enter the password for the abstract:

To modify or delete an existing abstract:

Enter the abstract number and click on the appropiate button:



CAUTION! The abstract will be deleted without further confirmation!

To submit a new abstract fill out this part:

Title of the talk:


E-mail address of speaker:

Additional Author(s):

Select institution:
or Type in institute name if "Other":

Enter the abstract: (Type a <p> to separate paragraphs.)

Enter requested presentation time:

Please, send comments and suggests about this form to the system operators.
Form last modified: September 7, 1995