Big wheel buttons

I'd like the option of adding some hold-down buttons to the big wheel/ROC assembly, in order to improve the thermal contact between the ROC, via the gap-pad material, to the cooling plate.

On this drawing of the big wheel, the existing holes for mounting the ROC cards are indicated in red, and thin green lines show where the gap between the ROC cards are located. I would like to add 4 small (about 1.5mm) diameter) holes on these lines. We can 'sew buttons' in these places to help hold down the ROC cards onto the cooling plate. The location as measured from the edge of the plate (fat green line, this is the joint between the plate and te cooling tube) are:

191 mm
196 mm
249 mm
254 mm
The distances are not critical to ~1mm, as long as they are in the gap. The easiest wat to locate them is to use the cardboard ROCs: Screw 2 in place, draw or scribe a line in the gap between the two, remove one ROC, and mark the radial locations. Transfer the locations to the carboard ROC edge, and go around the plate. 6x4 holes per plate. Since we may use string through these holes, they should be deburred on both sides.


ROC front
ROC back

Hubert Van Hecke
Last modified: Fri Sep 2 12:19:57 MDT 2011