22s sep 2014 can calib, shows missing wedge disconnect B326 from ROC. run calib, same result. dismount wedge (special screwdriver on bench, disconnect ext cable, disconnect bias cable new wedge (312) connect bias hook up to roc on the bench run calib: saw packets coming up, but no ata in histos. next round: nothing coming up at all (2x) power cycle roc - no dice power cycle vme crate: all ok data base: deassign 326 from SE4 back 3 [found feet fixture, vac pump, roll of Rclad. Rclad was made Aug 2010. The spec sheet says shelf life 2 years] B312 says 'elevated bias current' (when tested at BNL, but no such note in the FNAL traveler. -> check bias current should be < 0.5 uA at 70V when fresh (currently 8 wedges typically draw 300 uA after exposure 2014) Itaru's wedge: 0.027 uA at 21V B312: 0.050 uA at 21V Switch to Ortec 710 Itaru's 0.29 uA at 70V B312 1.73 uA at 70V The readings on this Ortec are suspect - sometimes the set V on the knob matches the display, sometimes not. Installed wedge. I rubbed thermal compund on the disk carbon fabric, and a smooth film on the graphite feet. Did cal run, B312_cal_3.png. No gross difference between plots (no bias). Done.