We are part of the P25 group at the Los Alamos National Lab (LANL). Please find here links to our current projects and other relevant items.
LBNE, the Long-Baseline Neutrino Detector
MiniBooNE experiment
The Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project to build a liquid argon tpc for neutrino physics
The LSND (Liquid Scintillation Neutrino Detector) experiment searches for neutrino oscillations and explores other aspects of particle and nuclear physics. The experiment utilizes a beam of neutrinos from the LANSCE accelerator (formerly known as LAMPF).
The BooNE experiment is a follow-up experiment to LSND that has a main goal of confirming (or refuting) the evidence of neutrino oscillations reported by LSND.
The LSND computer page is password-protected - contact (via phone) Ben Sapp , Rex Tayloe , or Bill Louis to learn the login procedure. Start here to see the how's and why's of our LSND computer system.
The list of our P-25 seminars
Other Neutrino Links:
Neutrino Oscillation Industry site.
Ultimate Neutrino Page.