--PS monitoring--
new terminal:
cd /home/maps/git/misc_software/usbserial_testbeam; ./open_terminals.sh
commands: q=quit, R=Recall, N=oN, F=oFf

can close this terminal once the monitoring terminals are spawned

--programming FPGAs--
!!!Turn on PS if not already!!!

new terminal:
source ~/software/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/settings64.sh; 
cd /home/maps/git/RUv1_Test_sync2018-08/bitstreams
vivado -mode batch -source program_3plus1.tcl

done with this terminal, but keep it open for reprogramming

--configure RUs--
!!!Turn on PS if not already!!!

new terminal:
cd ~/git/RUv1_Test_sync2018-08/software/py/;source scl_source enable rh-python36

./testbench1.py rdo i2c-gbtx gbtx-config ../../modules/gbt/software/GBTx_configs/GBTx0_Config_RUv1_1.xml; 
./testbench2.py rdo i2c-gbtx gbtx-config ../../modules/gbt/software/GBTx_configs/GBTx0_Config_RUv1_1.xml
(Power cycle RU if in error)
./testbench1.py rdo dctrl set-dclk-mask 0; 
./testbench2.py rdo dctrl set-dclk-mask 0
./testbench1.py powerunit initialize
./testbench1.py powerunit setup-power-IBs 1.8 1.5 1.8 1.5 0 None [0,1,2,3]
./testbench1.py powerunit power-on-IBs [0,1,2,3]
./testbench1.py rdo dctrl set-dclk-mask 0x1f; 
./testbench2.py rdo dctrl set-dclk-mask 0x1f
./testbench1.py setup_sensors; ./testbench2.py setup_sensors
./testbench1.py setup_readout; ./testbench2.py setup_readout

if pulsing (you also need to set SETUP_PULSE=True in the testbench):
./testbench1.py rdo trigger-handler configure-to-send-pulses; 
./testbench2.py rdo trigger-handler configure-to-send-pulses

./testbench1.py powerunit log-values-IBs [0,1,2,3]
./testbench1.py rdo gth is_aligned; 
./testbench2.py rdo gth is_aligned
./testbench1.py readback_sensors; 
./testbench2.py readback_sensors
./testbench1.py reset-counters; 
./testbench2.py reset-counters;watch -n1 '
./testbench1.py get-counters; 
./testbench2.py get-counters'

extra commands for debug or fun:

enable the data forwarding (if no ALPIDEs):
./testbench.py rdo gbt-packer-gth set-settings --enable_data_forward=1

trigger handler counter (triggers seen and sent by the trigger handler):
./testbench.py rdo trigger-handler-monitor get-counters

ALPIDE control counters (register accesses, trigger, pulse):
./testbench.py rdo dctrl get-counters

Datapath monitor (count data packets coming from the ALPIDEs):
./testbench.py rdo datapathmon read-counters

GBTx flow counter (triggers and data packets seen on the GBTx controller):
./testbench.py rdo gbtx-flow-monitor read-counters

valid range for Vout is roughly 1.5 - 2.7 V (else the DAC value calculated 
by _VoutToCode is outside the range 0-0xFF)

extra power unit commands:

turn everything off:
./testbench1.py powerunit power-off-all

if using bias, you need to set the bias value and set the backbias_en bit 
on the power-on-IBs command:
./testbench.py powerunit setup-power-IBs 1.8 1.0 1.8 0.5 -1 None [0,1,2,3]
./testbench.py powerunit power-on-IBs [0,1,2,3] 1


Useful debug:
./testbench.py rdo trigger-handler dump-config
./testbench.py rdo trigger-handler get-operating-mode

switch to a debug pattern on the GBTx TX:
./testbench.py rdo gbtx01 set-tx-pattern 1

setting up the software:

setup on CentOS 7:
yum install centos-release-scl 
yum install rh-python36 rh-python36-python-tkinter
source scl_source enable rh-python36
pip install fire pyserial pyusb imageio matplotlib

copy 99-ru.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d
udevadm control --reload-rules
stave assignments:

Note the label on stave A105 says "A1-005" - we call it A105 since that's 
what the ALICE stave test report says.

As the test report says, E103 and A105 have one totally disconnected chip 
each. C105 has two damaged chips (chipIDs 2 and 8) but we can run with them; 
the five damaged chips (0, 3, 6, 7, 8) on C104 spew hits even if they are 
masked, so we plan to not read them out.

The FireFly signal cables are labeled ALPx since they were used in the 2018 
test beam. The custom cable is labeled with the connector numbers from the 
Samtec drawing.

stave   power   signal  RU, 3+1
E103    M1      ALP0    RU1,J2
C105    M2      J2      RU2
C104    M3      ALP1    RU1,J3
A105    M4      ALP2    RU1,J4

Brief summary of lane mapping (detail in ru_multistaves.txt)

Lanes are 0-indexed in the firmware and .py scripts, but 1-indexed in the 
data format and decoder. Here we stick to 0-indexed lane numbers.

The RU has 5 sets of ALPIDE clock and control lines, referenced by connector 
numbers. On the ALICE transition board, the connector we use is #4. On Alex's 
transition board, J2=0, J3=1, J4=2.

An N-lane RU firmware has lanes 0 through N-1.

RU 1 (27-lane firmware, Alex's transition board, 3 FireFly cables):
lane    connector       chipID
0       J2              0
1       J2              1
2       J2              2
3       J2              3
4       J2              4
5       J2              5
6       J2              6
7       J2              7
8       J4              8
9       J4              7
10      J4              6
11      J4              5
12      J4              4
13      J4              3
14      J4              2
15      J4              1
16      J4              0
17      J3              8
18      J3              7
19      J3              6
20      J3              5
21      J3              4
22      J3              3
23      J3              2
24      J3              1
25      J3              0
26      J2              8

RU 2 (9-lane firmware, ALICE transition board v2.0, one side of a custom cable):
lane    chipID
0       2
1       1
2       0
3       3
4       4
5       5
6       6
7       7
8       8