#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <pmonitor/pmonitor.h> #include "mvtx.h" #include <TH1.h> #include <TH2.h> #include <TGraphAsymmErrors.h> #include <TCanvas.h> #include <TStyle.h> #include <TLatex.h> #include <TGaxis.h> #include <TF1.h> #include <TLine.h> #include <map> #define IDMVTXV1_MAXRUID 4 #define IDMVTXV1_MAXRUCHN 28 int init_done = 0; using namespace std; const int NSTAVE = 4; const bool chip_expected[4] = {true, true, true, true}; string stave_name[4] = {"E103", "C105", "C104", "A105"}; vector<TLine*> chip_edges, dead_chip_forward, dead_chip_backward; map<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int>> chipmap = {{{1,1}, {0,0}}, {{1,2}, {0,1}}, {{1,3}, {0,2}}, {{1,4}, {0,3}}, {{1,5}, {0,4}}, {{1,6}, {0,5}}, {{1,7}, {0,6}}, {{1,8}, {0,7}}, {{1,9}, {3,8}}, {{1,10}, {3,7}}, {{1,11}, {3,6}}, {{1,12}, {3,5}}, {{1,13}, {3,4}}, {{1,14}, {3,3}}, {{1,15}, {3,2}}, {{1,16}, {3,1}}, {{1,17}, {3,0}}, {{1,18}, {2,8}}, {{1,19}, {2,7}}, {{1,20}, {2,6}}, {{1,21}, {2,5}}, {{1,22}, {2,4}}, {{1,23}, {2,3}}, {{1,24}, {2,2}}, {{1,25}, {2,1}}, {{1,26}, {2,0}}, {{1,27}, {0,8}}, {{2,1}, {1,2}}, {{2,2}, {1,1}}, {{2,3}, {1,0}}, {{2,4}, {1,3}}, {{2,5}, {1,4}}, {{2,6}, {1,5}}, {{2,7}, {1,6}}, {{2,8}, {1,7}}, {{2,9}, {1,8}}}; //<ruid, ruchn> to <stave, chipID> int mvtx_evnts; int mvtx_verbose = 0; int mvtx_refresh = -1; int max_npixels = 512*1024; // cut to suppress plotting events with lots of hits int mvtx_run = 0; const bool flip_yaxis = false; //-- histograms filled in event loop TH1F* hnevnt; // number of events TH1F* hchip; // hits vs chip TH1F* hwarn; TH1F* herr; TH1F* hnhit_chip[NSTAVE]; // nhit distribution for each chip TH2F* h2d_chip[NSTAVE]; // 2D pixel hits for each chip TH1F* hdiffrow_chip[NSTAVE]; TH1F* hdiffcol_chip[NSTAVE]; //-- variables for online monitoring plotting TCanvas* com; // canvas TPad* phitrate; TPad* pnhit; TPad* p2d[NSTAVE]; TPad* pmean; TPad* pdiffcol; TPad* pdiffrow; TH1F* haxis_chip; // axis for hits/event vs chip TH1F* haxis_nhit; // axis for hits/event distribution for each chip TH1F* haxis_2d; // axis for 2D pixel hits TH1F* haxis_diff; // axis for diff pixel index (row or col) TLatex* lnevents; TLatex* ldiffcol[NSTAVE]; TLatex* ldiffrow[NSTAVE]; TLatex* lnhitmean[NSTAVE]; TGaxis* reversedaxis; //-- analysis histograms TH1F* hhitrate_chip; TH1F* hwarnrate_chip; TH1F* herrrate_chip; TH1F* hnhit_chip_norm[NSTAVE]; TH2F* h2d_chip_norm[NSTAVE]; TGraphAsymmErrors* gmpos_chip[NSTAVE]; TH1F* hdiffrow_chip_norm[NSTAVE]; TH1F* hdiffcol_chip_norm[NSTAVE]; TH1F* hhittime_chip[NSTAVE]; TF1* fg = new TF1("fg", "gaus", 0, 1024); //-- some constants for different chips int chipColor[] = {kBlue, kRed, kGreen+2, kMagenta+2}; int chipMarker[] = {kFullCircle, kFullSquare, kFullDiamond, kFullCross}; unsigned short decode_row(int hit) { return hit >> 16; } unsigned short decode_col(int hit) { return hit & 0xffff; } //============================================================// void set_verbose(int v) { mvtx_verbose = v; } //============================================================// void set_refresh(int r) { mvtx_refresh = r; } //============================================================// int pinit() { if (init_done) return 1; init_done = 1; // reset event counter mvtx_evnts = 0; hnevnt = new TH1F("hnevent", "", 1, -0.5, 0.5); // hits vs chip index hchip = new TH1F("hchip", ";chip index;N pixels", 4, -0.5, 3.5); hchip->SetLineWidth(2); hchip->SetLineColor(kBlue); // warnings vs chip index hwarn = new TH1F("hwarn", ";chip index; warnings", 4, -0.5, 3.5); hwarn->SetLineWidth(2); hwarn->SetLineColor(kYellow+2); // errors vs chip index herr = new TH1F("herr", ";chip index; errors", 4, -0.5, 3.5); herr->SetLineWidth(2); herr->SetLineColor(kRed); char name[500]; for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) { // total hits/event distribution in each chip sprintf(name, "hnhit_chip_%i", i); hnhit_chip[i] = new TH1F(name, ";N pixels / event; events", 201, -0.5, 200.5); hnhit_chip[i]->SetLineWidth(2); hnhit_chip[i]->SetLineColor(chipColor[i]); // time distribution sprintf(name, "hhittime_chip_%i", i); hhittime_chip[i] = new TH1F(name, ";N pixels / 100 events; event number", 100, 0, 10000); hhittime_chip[i]->SetLineWidth(2); hhittime_chip[i]->SetLineColor(chipColor[i]); // 2D pixel hit dsitribution for each chip sprintf(name, "h2d_chip_%i", i); h2d_chip[i] = new TH2F(name, ";col;row;hits", 9216, -0.5, 9215.5, 512, -0.5, 511.5); // mean pixel index for each chip (aggregated over events) sprintf(name, "gmpos_chip_%i", i); gmpos_chip[i] = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); gmpos_chip[i]->SetName(name); gmpos_chip[i]->SetMarkerStyle(chipMarker[i]); gmpos_chip[i]->SetMarkerColor(chipColor[i]); gmpos_chip[i]->SetLineColor(chipColor[i]); // difference in mean pixel index per event (from chip 0) sprintf(name, "hdiffrow_chip_%i", i); hdiffrow_chip[i] = new TH1F(name, ";row index diff", 1023, -511.5, 511.5); hdiffrow_chip[i]->SetLineWidth(2); hdiffrow_chip[i]->SetLineColor(chipColor[i]); sprintf(name, "hdiffcol_chip_%i", i); hdiffcol_chip[i] = new TH1F(name, ";col index diff", 1023, -511.5, 511.5); hdiffcol_chip[i]->SetLineWidth(2); hdiffcol_chip[i]->SetLineColor(chipColor[i]); } // -------------------------------------------- // -- Setup canvas for Online Monitoring plots // -------------------------------------------- // -- setup axis haxis_chip = new TH1F("haxis_chip", ";chip index; N pixels / event", NSTAVE, -0.5, NSTAVE-0.5); haxis_chip->SetMinimum(0); haxis_chip->SetMaximum(500); haxis_nhit = new TH1F("haxis_nhit", ";N pixels / event; per event", 51, -0.5, 50.5); haxis_nhit->SetMinimum(0); haxis_nhit->SetMaximum(1.0); haxis_2d = new TH1F("haxis_2d", ";row;col", 512, -0.5, 511.5); haxis_2d->SetMinimum(-0.5); haxis_2d->SetMaximum(511.5); if (flip_yaxis) { haxis_2d->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(999); haxis_2d->GetYaxis()->SetTickLength(0); } haxis_diff = new TH1F("haxis_diff", ";mean idx diff", 1023, -511.5, 511.5); haxis_diff->SetMinimum(0); haxis_diff->SetMaximum(1); return 0; } //============================================================// int process_event (Event * e) { if ( e->getEvtType() == BEGRUNEVENT ) { mvtx_run = e->getRunNumber(); mvtx_evnts = 0; reset_histos(); OM(); return 0; } if ( e->getEvtType() != DATAEVENT ) return 0; Packet *p = e->getPacket(2000); if (p) { bool evnt_err = false; /* int bad_ruchns = p->iValue(0, "BAD_RUCHNS"); if ( bad_ruchns > 0 ) { if ( mvtx_verbose > 0 ) cout << "WARNING!! Event: " << mvtx_evnts << " Invalid RU channel IDs (really bad data)!" << " BAD_RUCHNS:" << bad_ruchns << endl; } int bad_chipids = p->iValue(0, "BAD_CHIPIDS"); if ( bad_chipids > 0 ) { if ( mvtx_verbose > 0 ) cout << "WARNING!! Event: " << mvtx_evnts << " Invalid chip IDs (bad data)!" << " BAD_CHIPIDS:" << bad_chipids << endl; } int chipmax = p->iValue(0, "HIGHEST_CHIP") + 1; if ( chipmax > NSTAVE ) { if ( mvtx_verbose > 1 ) cout << "WARNING!! Event: " << mvtx_evnts << " More chips than expected!" << " NSTAVE:" << NSTAVE << " HIGHEST_CHIP:" << chipmax << endl; chipmax = NSTAVE; } if ( mvtx_verbose > 2 ) { cout << "Event:" << mvtx_evnts << " chipmax:" << chipmax << endl; } float mrow_chip0 = -1; float mcol_chip0 = -1; int excess_data_bytes = p->iValue(0, "EXCESS_DATA_BYTES"); if ( excess_data_bytes>0 ) { if ( mvtx_verbose > 1 ) cout << "WARNING!! Event: " << mvtx_evnts << " Data found past chip trailer" << " EXCESS_DATA_BYTES: " << excess_data_bytes << endl; } bool evnt_err = false; for ( int ichip = 0; ichip < NSTAVE; ichip++) { int header_found = p->iValue(ichip, "HEADER_FOUND"); int trailer_found = p->iValue(ichip, "TRAILER_FOUND"); int bunchcounter = p->iValue(ichip, "BUNCHCOUNTER"); int unexpected_bytes = p->iValue(ichip, "UNEXPECTED_BYTES"); int readout_flags = p->iValue(ichip, "READOUT_FLAGS"); //cout << "HEADER_FOUND: " << header_found << " TRAILER_FOUND: " << trailer_found << " BUNCHCOUNTER: " << bunchcounter << endl; bool has_warning = false; bool has_error = false; if (chip_expected[ichip]) { if (header_found==0 || trailer_found==0) { if ( mvtx_verbose > 1 ) cout << "WARNING!! Event: " << mvtx_evnts << " Missing chip " << ichip << " HEADER_FOUND: " << header_found << " TRAILER_FOUND: " << trailer_found << " BUNCHCOUNTER: " << bunchcounter << endl; has_warning = true; } if ( (header_found + trailer_found) == 1 ) { if ( mvtx_verbose > 1 ) cout << "ERROR!! Event: " << mvtx_evnts << " header and trailer have different states for chip " << ichip << " HEADER_FOUND: " << header_found << " TRAILER_FOUND: " << trailer_found << " BUNCHCOUNTER: " << bunchcounter << endl; has_error = true; evnt_err = true; } } else { if (header_found!=0 || trailer_found!=0) { if ( mvtx_verbose > 1 ) cout << "WARNING!! Event: " << mvtx_evnts << " Unexpected chip " << ichip << " HEADER_FOUND: " << header_found << " TRAILER_FOUND: " << trailer_found << " BUNCHCOUNTER: " << bunchcounter << endl; has_warning = true; } } if (unexpected_bytes!=0) { if ( mvtx_verbose > 0 ) cout << "WARNING!! Event: " << mvtx_evnts << " chip " << ichip << " UNEXPECTED_BYTES: " << unexpected_bytes << endl; has_warning = true; } if (readout_flags > 0) { if ( mvtx_verbose > 1 ) cout << "WARNING!! Event: " << mvtx_evnts << " chip " << ichip << " READOUT_FLAGS: " << hex << readout_flags << dec << endl; has_warning = true; } if ( has_warning ) hwarn->Fill(ichip); if ( has_error ) herr->Fill(ichip); } */ int npixels[NSTAVE] = {0}; double mrow[NSTAVE] = {0}; double mcol[NSTAVE] = {0}; double mrow_refstave = -1; double mcol_refstave = -1; if ( !evnt_err ) { for (int ruid=0; ruid<IDMVTXV1_MAXRUID+1; ruid++) { if (p->iValue(ruid)!=-1) { for ( int ruchn = 0; ruchn < IDMVTXV1_MAXRUCHN+1; ruchn++) { if (p->iValue(ruid,ruchn)>0) { for (int i=0;i<p->iValue(ruid,ruchn);i++) { int hit = p->iValue(ruid,ruchn,i); int irow = decode_row(hit); int icol = decode_col(hit); //cout << "(ruid " << ruid << ", ruchn " << ruchn << ") "; //cout << "(row " << irow << ", col " << icol << ") "; if (chipmap.count({ruid,ruchn}) != 1) { cout << "invalid: (ruid " << ruid << ", ruchn " << ruchn << ") " << endl; } else { pair<int, int> chiplocation = chipmap[{ruid,ruchn}]; int istave = chiplocation.first; int ichip = chiplocation.second; //cout << "(stave " << istave << ", chip " << ichip << ") "; npixels[istave]++; mrow[istave]+=irow; mcol[istave]+=icol+1024*ichip; if (flip_yaxis) h2d_chip[istave]->Fill(icol+1024*ichip,irow); else h2d_chip[istave]->Fill(icol+1024*ichip,511-irow); } } //cout << endl; } } } } for (int istave=0;istave<NSTAVE;istave++) { if (npixels[istave] > 0 && npixels[istave] < max_npixels) { mrow[istave] /= (float)npixels[istave]; mcol[istave] /= (float)npixels[istave]; hchip->Fill(istave, npixels[istave]); hhittime_chip[istave]->Fill(mvtx_evnts,npixels[istave]); if ( mvtx_verbose > 2 ) { cout << " chip:" << istave << " npixels:" << npixels[istave] << " mean:(" << mcol[istave] << ", " << mrow[istave] << ")" << endl; } } } if ( npixels[NSTAVE-1] > 0 && npixels[NSTAVE-1] < max_npixels ) { mrow_refstave = mrow[NSTAVE-1]; mcol_refstave = mcol[NSTAVE-1]; for (int istave=0;istave<NSTAVE;istave++) { if (npixels[istave] > 0 && npixels[istave] < max_npixels) { if ( mrow_refstave >= 0 && mcol_refstave >= 0 ) { hdiffrow_chip[istave]->Fill(mrow[istave] - mrow_refstave); hdiffcol_chip[istave]->Fill(mcol[istave] - mcol_refstave); } } } } } /* // fill regardless of the number of hits hnhit_chip[ichip]->Fill(npixels); // only fill for nonzero hits if (npixels > 0 && npixels < max_npixels) { mrow /= (float)npixels; mcol /= (float)npixels; if ( ichip == NSTAVE - 1 ) { mrow_chip0 = mrow; mcol_chip0 = mcol; } if ( mrow_chip0 >= 0 && mcol_chip0 >= 0 ) { hdiffrow_chip[ichip]->Fill(mrow - mrow_chip0); hdiffcol_chip[ichip]->Fill(mcol - mcol_chip0); } hchip->Fill(ichip, npixels); hhittime_chip[ichip]->Fill(mvtx_evnts,npixels); if ( mvtx_verbose > 2 ) { cout << " chip:" << ichip << " npixels:" << npixels << " mean:(" << mcol << ", " << mrow << ")" << endl; } } } // ichip */ hnevnt->Fill(0); delete p; } if ( mvtx_refresh > 0 && mvtx_evnts%mvtx_refresh == 0 ) OM(); if ( mvtx_evnts%100000 == 0 ) cout << " processing event " << mvtx_evnts << endl; mvtx_evnts++; return 0; } //============================================================// int process_histos(float thresh) { int sum = 0; int row,col; for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) { cout << endl; cout << "-- stave " << i << endl; int tot = 0; for (int ix = 1; ix <= h2d_chip[i]->GetNbinsX(); ix++) { for (int iy = 1; iy <= h2d_chip[i]->GetNbinsY(); iy++) { if ( h2d_chip[i]->GetBinContent(ix, iy) > thresh ) { tot++; if (flip_yaxis) { row = 1023-(h2d_chip[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy)); } else { row = h2d_chip[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy); } col = h2d_chip[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix); cout << " row:" << row << " col:" << col << endl; } } } cout << "Total: " << tot << endl; sum += tot; } return sum; } //============================================================// int mask_pixels(float thresh) { bool flip_yaxis = true; //Only uncomment if we need to flip the yAxis string file_name_tb1 = "/home/maps/git/RUv1_Test_sync2018-08/software/py/masklist_testbench1.txt"; string file_name_tb2 = "/home/maps/git/RUv1_Test_sync2018-08/software/py/masklist_testbench2.txt"; ofstream write_mask_file_tb1(file_name_tb1.c_str()); ofstream write_mask_file_tb2(file_name_tb2.c_str()); write_mask_file_tb1<<"#Connector, ChipID, Col, Row"<<endl; write_mask_file_tb2<<"#Connector, ChipID, Col, Row"<<endl; int sum = 0; int chipid, row, col, tot, chip_tot, prev_tot; Int_t stave_map[4] = {0, 4, 1, 2}; for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) { tot = 0; prev_tot = 0; for (int ix = 1; ix <= h2d_chip[i]->GetNbinsX(); ix++) { for (int iy = 1; iy <= h2d_chip[i]->GetNbinsY(); iy++) { col = h2d_chip[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix); chipid = col/1024; col = col%1024; if ( h2d_chip[i]->GetBinContent(ix, iy) > thresh ) { tot++; if (flip_yaxis) { row = 511-(h2d_chip[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy)); } else { row = h2d_chip[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy); } if (i != 1) { write_mask_file_tb1 << stave_map[i] << "," << chipid << "," << col << "," << row << endl; } else { write_mask_file_tb2 << stave_map[i] << "," << chipid << "," << col << "," << row << endl; } } } chip_tot = tot - prev_tot; if (col == 1023) {prev_tot = tot; printf("Total pixels masked on stave %i, chip %i: %i\n", i, chipid, chip_tot);} } sum += tot; } printf("Total pixels masked: %i\n", sum); write_mask_file_tb1.close(); write_mask_file_tb2.close(); printf("New pixel mask has been created\n"); return sum; } //============================================================// int analysis() { //TH1D* hhitrate_chip; //TH1D* hnhit_chip_norm[NSTAVE]; //TH2D* h2d_chip_norm[NSTAVE]; //TH1F* hdiffrow_chip_norm[NSTAVE]; //TH1F* hdiffcol_chip_norm[NSTAVE]; char name[500]; //-- Check if we've already initialized the histograms // if not, initialize if ( !hhitrate_chip ) { hhitrate_chip = (TH1F*) hchip->Clone("hhitrate_chip"); hwarnrate_chip = (TH1F*) hwarn->Clone("hwarnrate_chip"); herrrate_chip = (TH1F*) herr->Clone("herrrate_chip"); for (int ichip = 0; ichip < NSTAVE; ichip++) { sprintf(name, "hnhit_chip_norm_%i", ichip); hnhit_chip_norm[ichip] = (TH1F*) hnhit_chip[ichip]->Clone(name); sprintf(name, "h2d_chip_norm_%i", ichip); h2d_chip_norm[ichip] = (TH2F*) h2d_chip[ichip]->Clone(name); sprintf(name, "hdiffrow_chip_norm_%i", ichip); hdiffrow_chip_norm[ichip] = (TH1F*) hdiffrow_chip[ichip]->Clone(name); sprintf(name, "hdiffcol_chip_norm_%i", ichip); hdiffcol_chip_norm[ichip] = (TH1F*) hdiffcol_chip[ichip]->Clone(name); } // ichip } //-- current number of events double nevents = hnevnt->Integral(); if ( nevents <= 0 ) return 1; //-- hitrate vs chip index hhitrate_chip->Reset(); hwarnrate_chip->Reset(); herrrate_chip->Reset(); for (int ib = 1; ib <= hchip->GetNbinsX(); ib++) { // hits float bc = hchip->GetBinContent(ib); hhitrate_chip->SetBinContent(ib, bc / nevents); hhitrate_chip->SetBinError(ib, sqrt(bc) / nevents); // warnings bc = hwarn->GetBinContent(ib); hwarnrate_chip->SetBinContent(ib, bc / nevents); hwarnrate_chip->SetBinError(ib, sqrt(bc) / nevents); // errors bc = herr->GetBinContent(ib); herrrate_chip->SetBinContent(ib, bc / nevents); herrrate_chip->SetBinError(ib, sqrt(bc) / nevents); } // ib //-- per chip histograms for (int ichip = 0; ichip < NSTAVE; ichip++) { //-- nhit distribution for each chip hnhit_chip_norm[ichip]->Reset(); for (int ib = 1; ib <= hnhit_chip[ichip]->GetNbinsX(); ib++) { float bc = hnhit_chip[ichip]->GetBinContent(ib); hnhit_chip_norm[ichip]->SetBinContent(ib, bc / nevents); hnhit_chip_norm[ichip]->SetBinError(ib, sqrt(bc) / nevents); } // ib //-- 2D distribution for each chip h2d_chip_norm[ichip]->Reset(); for (int ix = 1; ix <= h2d_chip[ichip]->GetNbinsX(); ix++) for (int iy = 1; iy <= h2d_chip[ichip]->GetNbinsY(); iy++) { float bc = h2d_chip[ichip]->GetBinContent(ix, iy); h2d_chip_norm[ichip]->SetBinContent(ix, iy, bc / nevents); } //-- mean pixel index for each chip double m, s; TH1D* h; // x h = (TH1D*) h2d_chip_norm[ichip]->ProjectionX(); double mx = h->GetMean(); double rx = h->GetRMS(); fg->SetParameters(h->GetBinContent(h->GetMaximumBin()), mx, rx); fg->SetRange(0, 511); h->Fit(fg, "RQ0N"); m = fg->GetParameter(1); s = fg->GetParameter(2); //cout << " x1 mean:" << m << " sig:" << s << endl; m = m - 2.5*s > 511 ? 511 : m; fg->SetRange(m - 2.5*s, m + 2.5*s); fg->SetParameters(fg->GetParameter(0), m, s); h->Fit(fg, "RQ0N"); m = fg->GetParameter(1); s = fg->GetParameter(2); //cout << " x2 mean:" << m << " sig:" << s << endl; if ( m > 511 ) { s = s - (m - 511); m = 511; } if ( m < 0 ) { s = s - m; m = 0; } //cout << " (m:" << m << " s:" << s << ")"<< endl; // save mx = m; rx = s; delete h; // y h = (TH1D*) h2d_chip_norm[ichip]->ProjectionY(); double my = h->GetMean(); double ry = h->GetRMS(); fg->SetParameters(h->GetBinContent(h->GetMaximumBin()), my, ry); fg->SetRange(0, 1023); h->Fit(fg, "RQ0N"); m = fg->GetParameter(1); s = fg->GetParameter(2); //cout << " y2 mean:" << m << " sig:" << s << endl; fg->SetRange(m - 2.5*s, m + 2.5*s); fg->SetParameters(fg->GetParameter(0), m, s); h->Fit(fg, "RQ0N"); m = fg->GetParameter(1); s = fg->GetParameter(2); //cout << " y2 mean:" << m << " sig:" << s << endl; if ( m > 1023 ) { s = s - (m - 1023); m = 511; } if ( m < 0 ) { s = s - m; m = 0; } //cout << " (m:" << m << " s:" << s << ")"<< endl; // save my = m; ry = s; delete h; gmpos_chip[ichip]->SetPoint(0, mx, my); gmpos_chip[ichip]->SetPointError(0, rx, rx, ry, ry); //-- difference in mean pixel index per event for each chip hdiffrow_chip_norm[ichip]->Reset(); hdiffcol_chip_norm[ichip]->Reset(); for (int ib = 1; ib <= hdiffrow_chip[ichip]->GetNbinsX(); ib++) { hdiffrow_chip_norm[ichip]->SetBinContent(ib,hdiffrow_chip[ichip]->GetBinContent(ib)); hdiffcol_chip_norm[ichip]->SetBinContent(ib,hdiffcol_chip[ichip]->GetBinContent(ib)); } float introw = hdiffrow_chip_norm[ichip]->Integral(); if ( introw > 0 ) hdiffrow_chip_norm[ichip]->Scale(1./introw); float intcol = hdiffcol_chip_norm[ichip]->Integral(); if ( intcol > 0 ) hdiffcol_chip_norm[ichip]->Scale(1./intcol); } // ichip return 0; } //============================================================// int OM() { //-- run analysis analysis(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); char name[500]; //-- setup canvas static bool initialized = false; if ( !initialized ) { //com = new TCanvas("com","MVTX online monitoring", 1600, 800); com = new TCanvas("com","MVTX online monitoring", 2000, 800); com->SetMargin(0, 0, 0, 0); // hitrate vs chip index //phitrate = new TPad("phitrate", "hit rate", 0.0, 0.45, 0.29, 0.9); phitrate = new TPad("phitrate", "hit rate", 0.0, 0.60, 0.29, 0.89); phitrate->SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.15, 0.05); phitrate->SetTicks(1, 1); phitrate->Draw(); /* // nhit distributions com->cd(); pnhit = new TPad("pnhit", "n hit", 0.29, 0.60, 0.50, 0.90); pnhit->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.15, 0.05); pnhit->SetTicks(1, 1); pnhit->Draw(); // mean hit positions com->cd(); pmean = new TPad("pmean", "mean", 0.00, 0.00, 0.29, 0.45); pmean->SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.15, 0.10); pmean->SetTicks(1, 1); pmean->Draw(); */ // diff col index com->cd(); //pdiffcol = new TPad("pdiffcol", "pdiffcol", 0.29, 0.30, 0.50, 0.60); pdiffcol = new TPad("pdiffcol", "pdiffcol", 0.00, 0.30, 0.29, 0.59); //pdiffcol->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.10); pdiffcol->SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.15, 0.05); pdiffcol->SetTicks(); pdiffcol->Draw(); // diff row index com->cd(); pdiffrow = new TPad("pdiffrow", "pdiffrow", 0.29, 0.00, 0.50, 0.30); pdiffrow = new TPad("pdiffrow", "pdiffrow", 0.00, 0.00, 0.29, 0.29); //pdiffrow->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.10); pdiffrow->SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.15, 0.05); pdiffrow->SetTicks(); pdiffrow->Draw(); // 2D hit distributions for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) { com->cd(); sprintf(name, "p2d_%i", i); //p2d[i] = new TPad(name, name, // 0.50, 0.9-0.22*i, // 1.00, 0.9-0.22*(i+1) ); p2d[i] = new TPad(name, name, 0.30, 0.9-0.22*i, 1.00, 0.9-0.22*(i+1) ); //p2d[i]->SetMargin(0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15); p2d[i]->SetMargin(0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.25); p2d[i]->SetTicks(1, 1); p2d[i]->Draw(); } // i //-- info com->cd(); sprintf(name, "Number of Events: %.0f", hnevnt->Integral()); lnevents = new TLatex(0.5, 0.95, name); lnevents->SetNDC(); lnevents->SetTextAlign(22); lnevents->Draw(); TLatex lt; lt.SetNDC(); lt.SetTextAlign(22); //-- hitrate phitrate->cd(); gPad->SetLogy(); haxis_chip->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1e-5,1e2); haxis_chip->Draw(); hhitrate_chip->Draw("hist e same"); hwarnrate_chip->Draw("hist e same"); herrrate_chip->Draw("hist e same"); //-- nhit distributions //pnhit->cd(); //gPad->SetLogy(); haxis_nhit->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1e-4, 1); //haxis_nhit->DrawCopy(); for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) { hnhit_chip_norm[i]->Draw("hist e same"); sprintf(name, "chip %i = %.2f", i, hnhit_chip_norm[i]->GetMean()); lnhitmean[i] = new TLatex(0.8, 0.85 - 0.05*i, name); lnhitmean[i]->SetNDC(); lnhitmean[i]->SetTextColor(chipColor[i]); lnhitmean[i]->Draw("same"); } //-- mean positions //pmean->cd(); //haxis_2d->DrawCopy(); //gPad->Update(); if (flip_yaxis) { reversedaxis = new TGaxis(gPad->GetUxmin(), gPad->GetUymax(), gPad->GetUxmin()-0.001, gPad->GetUymin(), -0.5, 1023.5, 510, "+"); reversedaxis->SetLabelOffset(-0.03); reversedaxis->Draw(); } for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) gmpos_chip[i]->Draw("P"); lt.DrawLatex(0.5, 0.96, "Beam position & profile"); //-- diff col pdiffcol->cd(); gPad->SetLogy(); haxis_diff->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1e-4, 1); //haxis_diff->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-25, 25); haxis_diff->Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE - 1; i++) { hdiffcol_chip_norm[i]->Draw("hist same"); sprintf(name, "chip %i = %+.1f", i, hdiffcol_chip_norm[i]->GetMean()); ldiffcol[i] = new TLatex(0.8, 0.90 - 0.05*i, name); ldiffcol[i]->SetNDC(); ldiffcol[i]->SetTextColor(chipColor[i]); ldiffcol[i]->Draw("same"); } lt.DrawLatex(0.5, 0.96, "Col"); //-- diff row pdiffrow->cd(); gPad->SetLogy(); haxis_diff->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1e-4, 1); //haxis_diff->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-25, 25); haxis_diff->Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE - 1; i++) { hdiffrow_chip_norm[i]->Draw("hist same"); sprintf(name, "chip %i = %+.1f", i, hdiffrow_chip_norm[i]->GetMean()); ldiffrow[i] = new TLatex(0.8, 0.90 - 0.05*i, name); ldiffrow[i]->SetNDC(); ldiffrow[i]->SetTextColor(chipColor[i]); ldiffrow[i]->Draw("same"); } lt.DrawLatex(0.5, 0.96, "Row"); for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i) { chip_edges.push_back(new TLine((1024*i)-1, 0, (1024*i)-1, 511)); dead_chip_forward.push_back(new TLine((1024*(i-1))-1, 0, (1024*i)-1, 511)); dead_chip_backward.push_back(new TLine((1024*(i-1))-1, 511, (1024*i)-1, 0)); } //-- 2D distributions for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) { p2d[i]->cd(); gPad->SetLogz(); //haxis_2d->DrawCopy(); gPad->Update(); if (flip_yaxis) { reversedaxis = new TGaxis(gPad->GetUxmin(), gPad->GetUymax(), gPad->GetUxmin()-0.001, gPad->GetUymin(), -0.5, 511.5, 510, "+"); reversedaxis->SetLabelOffset(-0.03); //reversedaxis->Draw(); } h2d_chip_norm[i]->Draw("colz same"); h2d_chip_norm[i]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(1e-6,1); for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j){chip_edges[j]->Draw();} sprintf(name, "Stave %s", stave_name[i].c_str()); lt.SetTextColor(chipColor[i]); lt.DrawLatex(0.5, 0.96, name); } // i p2d[0]->cd(); dead_chip_forward[0]->Draw(); dead_chip_backward[0]->Draw(); p2d[2]->cd(); dead_chip_forward[0]->Draw(); dead_chip_backward[0]->Draw(); dead_chip_forward[3]->Draw(); dead_chip_backward[3]->Draw(); dead_chip_forward[6]->Draw(); dead_chip_backward[6]->Draw(); dead_chip_forward[7]->Draw(); dead_chip_backward[7]->Draw(); dead_chip_forward[8]->Draw(); dead_chip_backward[8]->Draw(); p2d[3]->cd(); dead_chip_forward[6]->Draw(); dead_chip_backward[6]->Draw(); initialized = true; } //-- Update com->cd(); sprintf(name, "Run %i, Number of Events: %.0f", mvtx_run, hnevnt->Integral()); lnevents->SetText(0.5, 0.95, name); for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) { sprintf(name, "stave %s = %.2f", stave_name[i].c_str(), hnhit_chip_norm[i]->GetMean()); lnhitmean[i]->SetText(0.75, 0.88 - 0.05*i, name); } for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE - 1; i++) { if ( hdiffcol_chip_norm[i]->Integral() > 0 ) { double dcol = hdiffcol_chip_norm[i]->GetBinCenter(hdiffcol_chip_norm[i]->GetMaximumBin()); sprintf(name, "stave %s = %+.0f", stave_name[i].c_str(), dcol); } else sprintf(name, ""); ldiffcol[i]->SetText(0.75, 0.83 - 0.05*i, name); if ( hdiffrow_chip_norm[i]->Integral() > 0 ) { double drow = hdiffrow_chip_norm[i]->GetBinCenter(hdiffrow_chip_norm[i]->GetMaximumBin()); sprintf(name, "stave %s = %+.0f", stave_name[i].c_str(), drow); } else sprintf(name, ""); ldiffrow[i]->SetText(0.75, 0.83 - 0.05*i, name); } com->Modified(); phitrate->Modified(); //pnhit->Modified(); //pmean->Modified(); pdiffcol->Modified(); pdiffrow->Modified(); for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) p2d[i]->Modified(); com->Update(); return 0; } //============================================================// int print_status() { analysis(); cout << "==================================================" << endl; cout << "==================================================" << endl; cout << "== Number of events: " << hnevnt->Integral() << endl; for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) { // only print chips with hits if ( !(hchip->GetBinContent(i + 1) > 0) ) continue; cout << "==================================================" << endl; cout << "==== Chip " << i << endl; cout << "== events: " << hnhit_chip[i]->Integral() << endl; cout << "== Total hits: " << hchip->GetBinContent(i+1) << " (" << hhitrate_chip->GetBinContent(i+1) << ")" << endl; cout << "== Total Warnings: " << hwarn->GetBinContent(i+1) << " (" << hwarnrate_chip->GetBinContent(i+1) << ")" << endl; cout << "== Total Errors: " << herr->GetBinContent(i+1) << " (" << herrrate_chip->GetBinContent(i+1) << ")" << endl; cout << "== <hits/event>: " << hnhit_chip_norm[i]->GetMean() << endl; cout << "== RMS(hits/event): " << hnhit_chip_norm[i]->GetRMS() << endl; double mcol, mrow; gmpos_chip[i]->GetPoint(0, mcol, mrow); cout << "== <col>: " << mcol << endl; cout << "== <row>: " << mrow << endl; if ( i > 0 ) { double dcol = hdiffcol_chip_norm[i]->GetMaximumBin(); dcol = hdiffcol_chip_norm[i]->GetBinCenter(dcol); cout << "== <dcol>: " << dcol << " (" << hdiffcol_chip_norm[i]->GetMean() << ")" << endl; double drow = hdiffrow_chip_norm[i]->GetMaximumBin(); drow = hdiffrow_chip_norm[i]->GetBinCenter(drow); cout << "== <drow>: " << drow << " (" << hdiffrow_chip_norm[i]->GetMean() << ")" << endl; } } cout << "==================================================" << endl; cout << "==================================================" << endl; } //============================================================// void reset_histos() { hnevnt->Reset(); hchip->Reset(); hwarn->Reset(); herr->Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < NSTAVE; i++) { hnhit_chip[i]->Reset(); h2d_chip[i]->Reset(); hdiffrow_chip[i]->Reset(); hdiffcol_chip[i]->Reset(); } // i } //============================================================//