Set up the GTM (or, use the KC705 - below)

plug an Ethernet cable into the GTM and the server's right-hand Ethernet port 
(marked "LAN"), power on the GTM - it should respond to ping

login root, password root

ssh root@ 'cd /gtm;./gtm_init'
Dev file opened correctly
Device Programmed...
Writing vGTMG Register 8 to 255  (0xff)
regAddr: 8  (0x8)
Value Written...
Writing vGTMG Register 8 to 0  (0x0)
regAddr: 8  (0x8)
Value Written...
Writing vGTMG Register 5 to 1  (0x1)
regAddr: 5  (0x5)
Value Written...
Writing vGTMG Register 5 to 0  (0x0)
regAddr: 5  (0x5)
Value Written...

GTM notes:

LEMO 1 is an input that I can drive with a TTL signal to make a L1-accept 
pulse. It looks like the input needs to be at least 1 RHIC clock wide, but 
is edge-detected - so 110 ns wide works, but much wider is also fine.
LEMO 3 is a TTL output that seems to correspond to the L1-accept. It's 
clock-synchronous and fixed-width, 2 RHIC clocks wide.
LEMO 4 is a clock output that looks like the GT refclk - nominally 112.8 MHz.
LED 2 pulses on L1-accept.
All of the above runs once gtm_init has run, whether or not the scheduler 
is running. I played with the scheduler; the load_loopleds_gtm0 demo works, 
and I loaded the "cmdbits_counter" program and saw that working on the ILA.

I notice that our GTM runs a little fast - 113.28 MHz.

Set up the KC705 (or, use the GTM - above)
Power on the SRS clock generator first, at 112.8 MHz.

Power on the KC705. It should configure itself from flash and you will see 
the signals on the scope; if it doesn't, power cycle it.

MGT_CLK_N, MGT_CLK_P: differential LVDS clock input, connect to SMA ports 
at the back of the SRS clock generator, drive at 112.8 MHz

USER_GPIO_N: trigger in, drive with TTL (minimum width one 56.4 MHz clock 
tick, wider is fine)

USER_GPIO_P: trigger out

USER_CLK_N, USER_CLK_P: clock out, differential LVDS

Set up FELIX
cd ~/git/felix-firmware-sync2018-08/bitstreams; 
source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/

program FELIX:
vivado -mode batch -source program.tcl

(this should hang ~30 seconds on program_hw_devices, but it will usually 
fail quickly "There is no active target available for server at 
localhost:3121" the first time you run it after boot - just run again if 
that happens)

/etc/init.d/drivers_flx stop
/etc/init.d/drivers_flx start

done with this terminal

Set up DAQ
cd ~/meeg/felix/daq/felix_rcdaq/build;source ~/newfelix/software/; 
source ~/meeg/rcdaq/

"flx-info" should not give you errors, "/etc/init.d/drivers_flx status" 
should give you information on 2 FELIX endpoints, both should give you 
the FW version

program the clock and initialize the GBT links and GTM receiver (GTM must 
be up):
flx-init -X ~/gtm/clockscripts/Si5345-RevB-40_08MHz.slabtimeproj_1_10_17-Registers_2_10_output_default.h

reg_addr=0xb24, reg_data=0xdb, num_regs = 2
reg_addr=0xb25, reg_data=0x02, num_regs = 1
Configuration done...
Enabling output...
LOS register = 0x20
Sticky LOS register = 0xf0
LOL register = 0x00
Found lock in 1 seconds
Sticky LOL register = 0x08
flx-init: warning: Not all channels align!
flx-init: warning: 1 channels not aligned

Set up the RU and ALPIDEs

ssh to NUC at

if you want a desktop, run "vncserver -geometry 1600x1000" on the NUC, 
then use VNC to connect to
you can use screen/remote desktop viewer

follow script in /home/maps/git/RUv1_Test_sync2018-08/notes/setup.txt

Run the DAQ
---Ensure you don't change back to the NUC terminal---
cd ~/meeg/felix/daq/felix_rcdaq/build;source ~/newfelix/software/; 
source ~/meeg/rcdaq/

../ ;daq_set_runtype calib

---Take a short dummy run before real data to sync trigger and events--- 

start a run:

stop a run:

print the DAQ state:

kill the DAQ (takes a few seconds):

monitor the DMA:
source ~/newfelix/software/;watch -n 0.5 flx-dma-stat

get last event number:
dlist ../beamtest2018/calib/calib_00000708-0000.prdf -n 0 -i |tail

display last event (use last event number from above command):
ddump ../beamtest2018/calib/calib_00000708-0000.prdf -n 10 -e 47892 -g|less

count events:
dlist ../beamtest2018/calib/calib_00000708-0000.prdf -n 0|wc

count empty events:
dlist ../beamtest2018/calib/calib_00000708-0000.prdf -n 0 -i|grep 'length: 14'|wc

count non-empty events:
dlist ../beamtest2018/calib/calib_00000708-0000.prdf -n 0 -i|grep "Data Event"|grep -v 'length:    14'|wc

==== random notes
rebuilding newbasic (decoder):
cd ~/meeg/rcdaq/build/newbasic
source ~/newfelix/software/; source ~/meeg/rcdaq/
../../online_distribution/newbasic/ --prefix=/home/maps/meeg/rcdaq/install
make -j12 install