Attendance: Ricardo Alarcon (Arizona State), Rick Allen (ORNL), Larry Bartoszek (Bartoszek Engineering/Illinois), Doug Beck (Illinois), Elizabeth Beise (Maryland), Michael Betoncourt (MIT), Jan Boissevain (Caltech), Herbert Breuer (Maryland), Matthew Busch (Duke), Vince Cianciolo (ORNL), Pinghan Chu (Illinois), Steve Clayton (Illinois), Martin Cooper (LANL), Dipankgkar Dutta (Mississippi State), Brad Filippone (Caltech), Haiyan Gao (Duke), Bob Golub (NCSU), David Haase (NCSU), Doug Hassell (MIT), Mike Hayden (Simon-Fraser), Paul Huffman (NCSU), Ernie Ihloff (MIT), Jim Kelsey (MIT), Chen-Yu Liu (Indiana), Ivan Logashenko (Boston U), Josh Long (Indiana), Brian Mcallister (MIT), James Miller (Boston U), Richard Milner (MIT), Andrew Park (Berkeley), Jen-Chieh (Peng), Brad Plaster (Caltech), John Ramsey (LANL), Bob Redwine (MIT), Lee Roberts (Boston U), Riccardo Schmid (Caltech), George Seidel (Brown), Walter Sondheim (LANL), Shigeyuki Tajima (LANL), Steve Williamson (Illinois), Quiang (Alan) Ye (Duke), Jacob Yoder (Illinois), Xiaofeng Zhu (Duke)
Collaboration Business
(Martin Cooper)
a) Results of the DOE annual review
b) NSF
proposal (Brad Filippone and Doug Beck)
c) Budgetary information
d) Funding for optimizing the design
e) Collaboration communication
f) MOU
g) Engineering and safety reviews
h) The hotel experience
i) The next collaboration meeting
Summary of the summit meeting on
operating temperature/3He transport (Bob Golub)
Evaporative Purification (David Haase)
relaxation time (Alan (Qiang) Ye)
relaxation time (Jacob Yoder)
Progress report on the
dual use cryostat (Shige Tajima)
for the 3He injection test (Xiaofeng Zhu)
NMR with a SQUID (Michelle Espy)
Valve progress
(Steve Williamson)
PMT performance at 4K
(Martin Cooper for Hans-Otto Meyer)
UCN storage time measurement
(Martin Cooper)
performance in a HV environment (Chen-Yu Liu)
Status of
engineering preparations for CD-2/3a (Jan Boissevain)
the EDM sensitivity (Betsy Beise)
An overview of a nEDM
simulation program (Martin Cooper)
work and coding standards? (Vanya Logashenko)
Scheduling the CD-2/CD-3a review
(Discussion moderated by Martin Cooper)
development (Brad Plaster)
coils (Riccardo Schmid)
Upper cryostat B-field design (Ricardo Alarcon)
measurements with polarzied 3He in a cell (Ping-Han Chu)
of birefringence in the Kerr E-field monitor (Andrew Park)
Implementation of the Kerr
E-field monitor (Jan Boissevain)
voltage stability and pressurization (Josh Long)
Specifications for the
integrated tests, an encore (Paul Huffman)
Supplementary Material
Cryo-EDM Experiment (James Karamath)