Fermilab E866/NuSea Talks and Proceedings
Fermilab E866/NuSea Talks and Proceedings
E866/NuSea Talks and Proceedings
- J-C. Peng
"Quarkomium Production from Fermilab E772/789/866"
slides for talk at Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium, Fermilab, 20-22 Sept. 2003.
- P. Reimer
"Measurement of the Absolute Drell-Yan Dimoun Cross Section in 800 GeV/c pp and pd Collisions"
slides for talk at Intersections Meeting, New York, NY May 2003.
- M.J. Leitch "J/Psi and Heavy-Quark Production in E866 and PHENIX"
slides for talk at Fourth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics"
at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste Italy, May 12-16 2003.
- C.A. Gagliardi "Measurement of the Absolute Drell-Yan Dimuon
Cross Sections in 800 GeV/c pp and pd Collisions," writeup of talk given at PANIC 2002.
- M.J. Leitch "Charmonium Production in p-A Collisions" slides for the CIPPQG
"International Workshop on the Physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma" meeting in Palaiseau, France,
September 2001.
- "Quarkonium Polarization: Recent Restuls from NuSea/E-866", Vassili Papavassiliou,
Joint Experimental-Theoretical Seminar, Fermilab, 30 June 2000,
slides (gzipped-postscript).
- "New Measurements of the Nuclear Dependence of the J/Psi and Psi'
Resonances in High-energy Proton-Nucleus Collisions", Mike Leitch,
APS Long Beach meeting, 2 May 2000,
slides (gzipped-postscript).
- "New Measurements of the Nuclear Depndencies of the J/Psi and Psi' Resonances in
High-energy Proton-Nucleus Collisions", Mike Leitch, Spring APS meeting, Long Beach California,
2 May 2000.
"Measurement of the Light Quark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea"
, B.A. Mueller et al.
(FNAL E866/NuSea Collaboration), Proceedings of
the Workshop on High Energy Nuclear Physics (EPIC 99), page 174-185,
editors Bland, Londergan, and Szczepaniak, World Scientific, 2000.
- "Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea", C.A. Gagliardi et al.
(FNAL E866/NuSea Collaboration), Nucl. Phys. A663&664, 284c-287c (2000).,
- "Nuclear dependence of Drell-Yan and J/psi production in FNAL E866", R.E.
Tribble et al. (FNAL E866/NuSea Collaboration), Nucl. Phys. A663&664,
761c-764c (2000)., writeup.
- "Nuclear Suppression of Vector Meson Production in FNAL E866/NuSea",
talk given by M.J. Leitch at Quark Matter '99, 12 May 99, Torino, Italy
Nucl. Phys. A661, 554c-557c (1999),
- "dbar/ubar Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea",
C.A. Gagliardi et al. (E866/NuSea Collaboration),
INPC '99, Nucl. Phys. A654, 487c-492c (1999).
- "Nuclear Dependence of J/Psi and Psi' Production",
W.M. Lee et al. (E866/NuSea Collaboration),
INPC '99, Nucl. Phys. A654, 623c-626c (1999).
- "Measurement of the Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea",
M.A. Vasiliev et al., Thirteenth Lake Louise Winter Institute,
"Quantum Chromodynamics", ed. by A. Astbury, B.A. Campbell, F.C. Khanna, J.L. Pinfold
and M. Vetterli, (World Scientific, Singaport, 1999), 314-321.
- "Measurements of the Light Quark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea",
J.C. Peng et al. (E866/NuSea Collaboration) J.C. Peng et al. (E866/NuSea Collaboration)
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP 98),
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 23-29 Jul 1998.
In *Vancouver 1998, High energy physics, vol. 1* 854-858.
- "A Measurement of the dbar/ubar Asymmetry in the Nucleon,",
Workshop on the Spin-Flavor Structure of the Nucleon, DNP98, 28 Oct. 98, Santa Fe,
- "Vector Meson Production and Nuclear Effects in FNAL E866,",
Proceedings of Workshop on Charmonium Production in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions,
Seattle Theory Institute, 11 May 1998 (LA-UR-98-3370),
- "New Results from Fermilab E866: Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon
Sea and Nuclear Effects in J/Psi Production",
XXXIII'nd Moriond Conference, 22-29 March 1998,
'98 QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, p. ?,
editor J. Tran Thanh Van, published by Editions Frontieres, copyright 1998.,
paper .
- "Measuring the u-bar/d-bar Asymmetry in the Proton Sea: Fermilab E866",
XXXII'nd Moriond Conference, 22-29 March 1997,
'97 QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, p. 387,
editor J. Tran Thanh Van, published by Editions Frontieres, copyright 1997.,
paper ,
Fig. 1, detector ,
Fig. 2, mass spectrum ,
Fig. 3, DY kinematic coverage,
Fig. 4a, Ratio vrs x2 ,
Fig. 4b, Ratio vrs tau .
- "Measuring u-bar/d-bar in the Proton: Fermilab E866",
DIS 1997, 14-18 April 1997, AIP Conference Proceedings 407;
Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD, 5th International Workshop,
J. Repond and D. Krakauer, eds., Chicago, April, 1997
(Woodbury, NY: AIP Press, 1997) 423,
paper .
- "A Preliminary Measurement of the u-bar/d-bar Asymmetry in the
Proton Sea", AIP Conference Proceedings 412: Intersections
between Particle and Nuclear Physics, T.W. Donnelly, ed., Bigsky, Montana,
May 1997 (Woodbury, NY: AIP Press, 1997) p.643 (LA-UR-98-358),
paper ,
Mike Leitch (leitch@lanl.gov)