The spills that should be cut from the high mass data because the target was not cycling correctly are the following: Run Target Stuck spills Spills to be Cut Notes ==== ====== ============ ================ ========== 1638 LD2 26-51 32-51 1676 This run should be cut since the target was set to MT for a foil calibration run. 1922 LD2 174-345 179-345 There was no 'good' spills between 197-344 1951 MT 151-354 152-354 1961 LH2 183-205 188-205 Notes: 1. This is based on the definition of a 'good' spill being sem6>500. If this is not the correct definition then this table needs to be redone. 2. This table was generated by using the following files: do.kumac which calls hidbase.kumac and nspill.f All of these files are in: /hp866/usr1/towell/spillcheck 3. To recalculate this table type "nohup nice paw -b do.kumac >& output.log &" By: RST Date: 10 OCT 97