SVX geometry

a history in inverse chronological order

13 January 2005:

In the drawing below, a blue line is drawn at angle y=1, along the edge of layers 2,3 and 4 of the barrel. The first two silicon endcaps are reduced to start 1 cm away from this line, in order to allow for support structures, cooling services and power and signal cables. Also in blue are lines indicating the central arm acceptance. On the bottom half, red lines indicate the muon arm acceptance for an 'interaction diamond' of z=+-10 cm.

Formats available:

muon arm acceptance

Cables for the inner 2 layers (pixels) of the barrel added. L The outer 2 barrel layers (strips are not shown.

The central section of the interaction diamond, z=-10-+10 cm, is represented by the yellow line. The red and black lines lines indicate the North Muon Arm acceptance. The black lines are at 10°, and are drawn from interaction verticies at -10, 0, and +10 cm. The red lines are at 35°.

Click here for the full-size gif
Click here for the same image without the lines

This was the geometry of 5 October 2004 in the CVS repository. The image is created with a Geant call (a horizontal slice through the detector, do 'view source' of this page to see these calls), and annotated with the horizontal and vertical scales.

Note that layers 3 and 4 of the barrel have greatly expanded and moved out in radius.

With lines indicating the Muon arm acceptances. The yellow line on the beam axis shows a +-10cm interaction diamond, and the gray lines at 10, 12, 35 degrees show the muon acceptance corresponding to the edges of this diamond.
xcf (Gimp)
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Without Muon lines
The picture on the right is NOT full size

This image is from a presentation that Hytec engineers gave in December 2003. Note angles are measured from z=0.


This was the previous (26 Nov 2003) strawman geometry of the VTX detector. What is drawn is only the active areas. They are based on the following numbers: Fig file
Gif, 635 x 345 pixels:

Last update 19 Jan 05 - HvH