This is the MVDtalk given during the November 96 Phenix week at BNL

Hubert van Hecke, LANL

  1. list of collaborators
  2. overview
  3. key parameters list
  4. lightweight mockup
  5. plumbing diagram
  6. foam cage photo
  7. surface stress calculation (old)
  8. new surface stress table
  9. mechanical: Rohacell
  10. beamtest electronics board layout
  11. beamtest hardware photo
  12. signals, subtractions
  13. old ADC bloom plot
  14. track stubs 2D plot
  15. Landau distribution, S/N
  16. laser scan 2D plot
  17. Electronics: MCM
  18. MCM physical layout (overlays)
  19. silicon status
  20. single metal image
  21. double metal image
  22. Other: DCM interface
  23. MVD-to-transition module connections
  24. component logical layout
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