Verification of the calibration and analysis chain.
Here is some information Sangsu gave us to get started:
I have copied most of my source to /workarea/ryu/analysis_run3.
You need to compile mvd, preco, anadst at least. You are likely to run
into compilation error. I have not tried. You better try one of pro
library because those won't change. I have been using one of new libraries
since March which dispeared long before.
We may need to move to the new framework, whatever it is, from
preco. I have not tried either.
mvdfuncs.C*,*,* are the files you are likely
to want to look into.
Under wrk/78210 you will find some macros and scripts useful. For
pedestal calibration I use these files:
Calibration files I use most recently is
I cannot describe everything here. You better try compilation
first. That done you may want to ask me lots of questions.
a) team at LANL should run the code and attempt to themselves
calibrate the exact same run that SangSu is using.
b) team makes dN/deta from that run and compares with SangSu's.
c) team at LANL should select another run and calibrate it,
making min bias dN/deta from it too and comparing to the one
from step (b).
d) make dN/deta separately for different vertex bins
Most of links are broken because they come from many different
locations on my computer at Yonsei.
updated August 15, 2003
John P. Sullivan