Description of modules in the MVD code

Some modules should only be called on the first event, they do various types of initialization. These modules are:
mMvdIo -- controls amount of I/O
mMvdSetGeo -- sets up geometry tables
mMvdSetHst -- defines histogram directory
mMvdDbase -- fills "database" tables

The remaining calls are intended to be once per event. Some of the first four calls can and/or should be omitted depending on the source of input data.

When running from pisa files (geant hits as input), the calls to mMvdFEM, mMvdDC, and mMvdUnpack can be omitted (although there are in the standard chain). They simply do a circular conversion of raw-->FEM-->DCM-->raw format. I use them as a way of making sure they work correctly.

When running from real phenix data, or simulated data tapes, the calls to mMvdSetUcal, mMvdFEM, and mMvdDCM would be omitted.

mMvdSetUcal -- convert geant hits to raw data format
mMvdFEM -- convert raw format to FEM format
mMvdDCM -- convert FEM format to DCM format
mMvdUnpack -- convert DCM format to raw format

The next set of calls are intended for every event, regardless of the source of the input "data".

mMvdCalib -- convert raw hits in barrel to keV
mMvdClmp -- make list of "clumps" of adjacent hits in barrel
mMvdTrig -- calculate inner barrel mult, set a "trigger" flag
mMvdOccupancy -- calculate occupancy, select vertex algorithm
mMvdPseudoTrk -- find vertex with pseudotracking method
mMvdZcor -- find vertex with correlation method
mMvbdNdEta -- calculate dN/deta using inner barrel
mMvcdNdEta -- calculated dN/deta using pads

The last call can be omitted if you do not look at the MVD histograms. It only makes histograms, it does not change the contents of the input tables.

mMvdHst -- make diagnostic histograms

John Sullivan
comments to:
updated August 13, 1998