The Multiplicity Vertex Detector (MVD) Database


Eric Bosze, Mark Pollack, Hubert van Hecke, Jehanne Simon-Gillo, Jan Boissevain, Jon Kapustinsky, David Jaffe, Larry Marek, Guanghua  Xu, John Sullivan, Gary Smith, Gary Richardson, Sangkoo Hahn, Nance Ericson

PHENIX Note #318

1. Introduction

1.1 General Information

A database is being set up for the MVD in order to store Q & A results and data from the various components that make up the MVD. Queries to the database will determine which components function adequately to be used in the assembly of the MVD. Once the MVD is being assembled, the locations of the various components will be stored in the database. The ultimate goal of the database is to be able to click on a silicon detector location and find out all the information about that silicon detector and how that silicon detector is connected to the rest of the electronic components. This will aid diagnostics during the operation of the MVD. All of this will be accessible through the comfort of your Netscape window on your computer.

There are several components that make up the MVD; each one has its own input form to store information into the database. The input forms are: The Rohacell C-Cage, the Silicon Strip Detector, The Silicon Pad Detector, the Kapton Cable, the Power-Communications, the Daughter Board, the MCM (Multi-Chip Module), the MCM Output Cable, the Electronic DIE, the Timing and Control Interface, the DCM (Data Collection Module) Interface, the Mother Board, and the Assembly forms. To view the database, one can visit the MVD Database Web site at: One will be able to view the database and query the database, but if a change to the database needs to be made, like inputting or deleting data, a password will be required.

The final form of the database will consist of a picture showing the location of all silicon detectors. If one wants to know more about a silicon detector, they can click on any of the silicon detector locations and find all the information about that detector and all the information about the components that are connected to it all the way down to the PHENIX data collection modules (DCM's).

1.2 Responsibilities

Eric Bosze was responsible for collecting information from the various groups that are involved in making the electronic and mechanical components for the MVD. Mark Pollack is the primary PHENIX Database designer and played a lead roll in setting up the database. Hubert van Hecke is the MVD Database Coordinator, and worked both both Eric Bosze and Mark Pollack to define and setup the database. He is also the main contact person if suggestions or problems arise from the database.

1.3 Programs Being Used

ORACLE (version 7.2.3) is the database program being used for the MVD database. This program is available on the RHIC cluster at BNL. Mark Pollack uses a Windows NT machine to run the various programs that he uses to create and maintain the database. To set up the database, Mark uses a program called System Architect. To create a database, the hierarchical diagram (an example is shown in figure 1) is first created in System Architect. Each name, or variable, in the hierarchical diagram is programmed to take in a certain type set: for instance, "cageid". This name is programmed to only take in numbers. If a non-number is passed to this variable, ORACLE will give you an error message. This information in the hierarchical diagram is then translated into SQL (Structured Query Language). The SQL code is then fed into ORACLE where ORACLE takes the SQL and sets up the appropriate tables for the database.

Figure 1. Shows a hierarchical diagram that was created for the Rohacell C-cage input form.

System Architect can also be used to backwards engineer a database, meaning that it can take the SQL of an existing database and read it in and display the hierarchical diagram. It can also forward engineer an existing database. Say you need to add another variable to an already existing database. System Architect can add the appropriate SQL statements to the database, without having to destroy the existing database and recreate it. This makes it helpful for when we have to add things to the MVD database later on.

This program also creates the documentation for each input form of the database. The documentation for each MVD database is available via a link from the front page of each component's input form. One can click on the variables in the hierarchical diagram to find out the information stored in that variable; whether it takes numbers or letters, and what information from the component is stored in that variable.

Mark Pollack will be making Java applets for each input form's front page that will run in the netscape windows in order to access each input form of the database. He uses a program called Visual Cafe to create the Java applets. Full explanations on how to input and view data in the database will be given on the front page of each form. Java will also be used to do any graphing that the various components may need in order to determine the functionality of the component. For example, to determine if a silicon detector is good or bad, one would like to see graphs of the I/V and C/V curves. Java will take the raw data that is stored for each detector and graph these curves and display them in the netscape window. This is done by adding some special class files to the java code that enable java to do the required graphing.

The next sections detail what information is currently thought to be going to be stored for the various components into the database. Note that a final list of Q & A tests for many of the MVD components has not yet been decided upon, so these lists are subject to change.

2. The Rohacell C-Cage

Cage #.Date:.
Measurement...1.....2.. ...3... ...4.....5..
Width 1A . . . . .
2A . . . . .
3A . . . . .
1B . . . . .
2B . . . . .
3B . . . . .
1 . . . . .
2 . . . . .
3 . . . . .
Length 1 . . . . .
2 . XX XX
Mass - . XX XX

3. The Silicon Strip/Pad Detector

Information that will be available for the Silicon Detectors

4. The Kapton Cable and MCM Output Cable

5. Power/Communications and Daughter Board Input Forms

  • 1 board per 6 MCM's
  • 2 species for Power/Communications Board
  • Testing of these Boards

  • Daughter Board Database

    6. The MCM Input Form

    7. The DCM Input Form

    8. The Trigger Interface Input Form

    9. Motherboard Input Form

    10. Electronic DIE Input Form

    11. Assembly Input Form

    11.1 The Silicon + Kapton Cable Form

    11.2 MCM + MCM Output Cable Form

  • This input form is just the MCM Database!
  • Each MCM will have a serial number
  • Testing of the MCM's

    11.3 The Chain (Silicon + Kapton + MCM + MCM Output Cable) Assembly Form

    Chain IDSilicon
    Detector ID
    Silicon +
    Kapton Results
    Kapton IDComments on
    MCM ID MCM + Output
    Cable ID
    Comment Field
    For Chain Results
    11455-1234Show Results
    of Si + Cable
    C-123Bonds Good
    or Bad
    12366 Click to see
    Tests on MCM
    A-334Pass or Fail

    11.4 Individual Chain Locations on a C-cage

    11.5 C-cage Locations in Assembly

    11.6 Power/Communications Board Locations on Mother Board Form

    11.7 Interface Board Locations Form

    This form is not defined yet

    11.8 Pad Detector Location Form