Notes about MVD AIM address (Run-4)

The same serial string was sent to every MCM in year-1. In year-2 we turned off the set of bad channels which also affect their neighbors. The year-2 version of this table is here. The year-3 version was similar, see here. This is the first version of the year-4 files. Currently, I have not updated the list of known bad channels.

Look here for "sketches" (ppt and pdf) of the front panel connections to the AIM. The names of the serial string files are related to the location of the cable connection on the AIM.

Look here to see how to change the MCM serial strings.

In the following tables,
XX = read_serial for serial response file (and the first three characters of the file name are mcm not mvd),
XX= serial_run for "normal" running conditions serial string.

South endcap pads addressing:

Name z, phi packet ID AIM node name AIM node (hex) AIM sub-add serial file name assembly chans to turn off
SE pad4 0, 5 2097 FEM.MVD.S.6 26 4 mvd6_XX_4_3s.hex PD-25 none
SE pad5 0, 4 2098 FEM.MVD.S.6 26 4 mvd6_XX_4_4s.hex PD-24 188, 231-2, 243-7
SE pad6 0, 3 2099 FEM.MVD.S.6 26 4 mvd6_XX_4_5s.hex PD-23 106, 126, 127
SW pad6 0, 2 2100 FEM.MVD.S.3 23 3 mvd3_XX_3_5s.hex PD-17 168, 204, 228, 247
SW pad5 0, 1 2101 FEM.MVD.S.3 23 3 mvd3_XX_3_4s.hex PD-18 229
SW pad4 0, 0 2102 FEM.MVD.S.3 23 3 mvd3_XX_3_3s.hex PD-19 175
SW pad3 0, 11 2103 FEM.MVD.S.3 23 3 mvd3_XX_3_2s.hex PD-20 138-30, 141, 169
SW pad2 0, 10 2104 FEM.MVD.S.3 23 3 mvd3_XX_3_1s.hex PD-14 5, 8, 12, 55
SW pad1 0, 9 2105 FEM.MVD.S.3 23 3 mvd3_XX_3_0s.hex PD-22 43
SE pad1 0, 8 2106 FEM.MVD.S.6 26 4 mvd6_XX_4_0s.hex PD-28 15, 17, 109, 124, 162
SE pad2 0, 7 2107 FEM.MVD.S.6 26 4 mvd6_XX_4_1s.hex PD-27 84, 143, 229, 232, 234, 238
SE pad3 0, 6 2108 FEM.MVD.S.6 26 4 mvd6_XX_4_2s.hex PD-26 75, 79, 82

North endcap pads addressing:

Name z, phi packet ID AIM node name AIM node # AIM sub-add serial file name assembly chans to turn off
NE pad4 1, 5 2109 FEM.MVD.N.6 2E 4 mvd6_XX_4_3n.hex PD-13 75, 76, 110, 127, 141
NE pad5 1, 4 2110 FEM.MVD.N.6 2E 4 mvd6_XX_4_4n.hex PD-15 35, 60, 61, 139, 147
NE pad6 1, 3 2111 FEM.MVD.N.6 2E 4 mvd6_XX_4_5n.hex PD-16 66, 74, 141, 147, 186, 188
NW pad6 1, 2 2112 FEM.MVD.N.4 29 4 mvd4_XX_4_5n.hex PD-01 50, 71, 181
NW pad5 1, 1 2113 FEM.MVD.N.4 29 4 mvd4_XX_4_4n.hex PD-02 4, 22, 242, 251
NW pad4 1, 0 2114 FEM.MVD.N.4 29 4 mvd4_XX_4_3n.hex PD-04 143
NW pad3 1, 11 2115 FEM.MVD.N.4 29 4 mvd4_XX_4_2n.hex PD-07 2, 19, 38, 134, 248
NW pad2 1, 10 2116 FEM.MVD.N.4 29 4 mvd4_XX_4_1n.hex PD-08 46
NW pad1 1, 9 2117 FEM.MVD.N.4 29 4 mvd4_XX_4_0n.hex PD-09 204, 238
NE pad1 1, 8 2118 FEM.MVD.N.6 2E 4 mvd6_XX_4_0n.hex PD-10 126
NE pad2 1, 7 2119 FEM.MVD.N.6 2E 4 mvd6_XX_4_1n.hex PD-11 29, 42
NE pad3 1, 6 2120 FEM.MVD.N.6 2E 4 mvd6_XX_4_2n.hex PD-12 76, 253

XX = read_serial for serial response file,
XX= serial_run for "normal" running conditions serial string.

updated 18-Dec-2003
John Sullivan