DNP '98 RHIC Workshop:

Heavy-Ion Physics with the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider

This workshop will concentrate on early physics opportunities at RHIC, the physics challenges that we will face at RHIC, and new experimental or analysis techniques which might help us address these challenges.

When: October 28 (the day before DNP '98)

Where: Santa Fe, NM

Organizing Committee:

Jehanne Simon-Gillo (Chair)

Melynda Brooks

Doug Fields

Wayne Kinnison

Dan Strottman

John Sullivan

Hubert van Hecke


The DNP'98 Workshop Page

The RHIC Home Page
An Aerial View of RHIC

Workshop Agenda:

Session 1: Heavy-Ion Physics Opportunities

Starting Time Speaker Title
9:00 Jehanne Simon-Gillo (LANL) Welcome
9:05 S. Nagamiya (KEK) Heavy-Ion Physics: Past and Future
9:45 H. Stoecker (Frankfurt) Critical Review of QGP Signatures
10:25 Coffee Break

Session 2: Theoretical and Experimental Challenges

Starting Time Speaker Title
10:45 G. David (Brokhaven National Lab) Physics with Photons at RHIC
11:15 I. Tserruya (Weizmann Institute) Lepton Physics: SPS Experience and RHIC Opportunities
11:55 B. Schlei (LANL) Measuring the Space-Time Extent of Nuclear Collisions Using Two-Particle Correlations
12:25 Lunch
2:00 P. Jacobs (LBL) Hadronic Spectra in the First Year of RHIC
2:30 A. Poskanzer (LBL) Possibilities with Anisotropic Flow
3:00 M. Gyulassy (Columbia University) Predictions for RHIC:Critical Overview of Microscopic Models
3:30 Coffee Break

Session 3: Experimental Status and Goals

Starting Time Speaker Title
3:50 M. Bennett (LANL) Overview of RHIC Experiments and Accelerator
4:40 S. Ozaki (BNL) Closing Remarks

The Four RHIC Experiments:

Questions about the DNP '98 RHIC Workshop should be directed to:
Jehanne Simon-Gillo (

Page maintained by David Jaffe (
Last updated April 27.