STATUS OF D ANALYSIS - MJL - 10/22/92 1) A summary of the vertex cuts used in my nominal analysis: a) 1st pass hadron trigger bit (trig 9) < 3 mubits (i.e. < 3 muon counters fired along track) fastsi impact parameters > 1.5 mils distance of closest approach <= .07" |y-interaction| <= .025" #yhits >= 6 and #uvhits >= 6 |xtgt| <= 2" |ytgt| <= .05" zvtx >= .10" b1,b2 >= .003" b) 2nd pass (as above plus) y-176" and y-236" >= 4.5" (b1-b2)/error >= 4 (about b1-b2 >= .006") |yint/error| <= 80 (about .008") tau/error >= 6.25 (about .4 ps) c) ntuple cuts tau/error >= 12.5 (about .8 ps) 2) The trigger processor efficiency has been checked for the nominal cuts using the processor simulation program from Jeppeson and gives 86% for these cuts. 3) The fitting proceedures are still somewhat unstable but will improve soon. Numerous methods including PAW based, Q-based with HPL/FI or NEWFIT, and standalone MINUIT programs are being looked at. 4) An initial study of the A-dependence for different lifetime cuts has been done and gives the following: Counts tau/error cut Be Au Ratio(Au/Be) Alpha ------------- --- --- ------------ --------- >= 9.5 658 481 .62+/-.04 .84+/-.02 >= 12.5 475 328 .58+/-.04 .83+/-.02 >= 15.5 311 270 .73+/-.06 .90+/-.03 * changing processor efficiency has not been folded in yet and the fits are not very satisfying yet. 5) We are looking at the Xf and Pt dependences but must firm up the peak fitting before we can do anything serious about the Xf and Pt dependence of the A-dependence. 6) A number of figures of general interest have been made including: - monte carlo mass shapes for the four different PID choices for the pair (having thrown e.g. K-Pi+) - four PID choice mass spectra for Be and Au with the nominal cuts - four PID choice mass spectra with RICH PID showing poor RICH efficiency (internal consumption only) - sideband corrected lifetime plots for monte carlo, Be, and Au showing fits that give the correct D lifetime within uncertainties. - K-Pi+ and K+Pi- mass spectra for Be and Au for the three lifetime cuts of #4 above. - 20 or 30 silicon-pix and 3d-silicon pix pictures of D events. 7) No further progress on putting decay into the monte carlo or determining the hodoscope and calorimeter trigger efficiency contributions. Analysis of 1000 Amp tapes is in progress but about 1-1/2 weeks were lost up until today while I sat in meetings. 8) I will fax out my talk and some of the newer figures listed above to the various institutions. I will start by sending it to Martin at Fermilab; others who want copies should contact me and supply a fax number. I may be able to arrage postscript files on an individual basis, e.g. to get a higher quality figure for the Fermilab review.